Searching the Highlands to find and protect the noble daughter of an accused traitor, Sir Dougall MacFadyen instead finds an outlaw beauty determined to rescue her father—and who is finally truly alive.
Scotland, 1456 – The traitorous Earl of Douglas has fled to England, leaving his clansmen to die in his place on the battlefield of Arkinholm. Two Douglas lords are captured and await execution, their families stripped of all title and hunted. Many flee. One rebellious daughter remains behind.
Find her. Protect her. That is the mission entrusted to Sir Dougall MacFadyen by his master. Find Eleanor Douglas and learn if she hides in the Highlands to free her father, the much maligned Lord Albermarle. What Dougall discovers is a woman taken refuge with outlaws, a woman as far from her genteel beginnings as possible, who is sweeter and more alive than ever. Courageous, clever, and determined, she is all Dougall desires—and a possible traitor to the Crown. But for Eleanor, he would give more than the heart she’s already stolen. He would give everything.

Veronica Bale has written several novellas, short stories, and news articles as a freelance writer. With her Highland Loyalties trilogy she made her debut into the world of historical romance novels. Veronica lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband, young son and three spoiled cats. When she's not writing she's running, reading, spending time with her family, or hopelessly lost in the cobbles of Coronation Street.
Visit Veronica Bale's website at:
Q: Can you tell us a little about yourself to start?
Hi Victoria, and hello everyone. My name is Veronica Bale, and I write Highland historical romances with Boroughs Publishing Group. I live just east of Toronto, Canada with my husband, eight-year-old son and two cats, and when I’m not writing, I’m at the rink helping out with our local youth hockey league.
Q: How are you feeling now that your latest book is out & on tour?
This is the second book in my Noble Highlands series to be released, so I am not a stranger to being out on tour. Nevertheless, I still can’t believe it’s my book that’s being released out into the world. Every time I come up to a book release, it feels like it’s my first book ever. It’s both a rush and a nerve-wracking time, to say the least.
Q: How does your family feel about you being a published author?
They’re proud, of course. But then, I think they always knew I’d be a writer, so it’s no big surprise to them.
Q: What inspires you to write?
I’m a daydreamer, first and foremost. It’s what I do to entertain myself when I’m walking down the street, or waiting in line at the coffee shop. So writing is just a natural progression of that.
Q: Describe your book in 3 words?
Honour. Loyalty. Passion.
Q: Out of all of your books do you have a favorite character or couple?
A favourite? Nope. I love each and every couple as much as the next, just in different ways. After all, you have to love your characters if you want your readers to love them, too.
Q: Are you currently working on a new book at this time?
Yes. Always. Right now, I’m finishing a Christmas novel set in Victorian times, and then after that, it’s on to The Noble Highlands book 3 (title to be determined).
Q: Do you have a routine you follow when you write? (i.e. listen to music, sit in a certain chair or at a certain desk).
Don’t I wish. Unfortunately I’m a sports mom, so writing time is where and whenever I can snatch some.
Q: How do your stories & characters develop?
They seem to have a life of their own, to be honest. I’m just the poor wretch whose hands cramp and fingers ache trying to keep up with them and get it all out onto paper.
Q: What was the first thing that came to your mind when your first book was published?
I hope at least one copy sells!
Q: Do you have favorite author whose books you love to read?
Judith McNaught. Her early stuff. Man, can she write a good falling-in-love story!
Q: What is your favorite genre to read & write?
To write, that’s easy: romance. To read, though, I don’t have a favourite genre. I’m very eclectic that way. I read anything from mystery to classic literature to non-fiction.
Q: How do you go about creating the most “Swoonworthy” character?
I don’t. I think that when one tries to create any kind of character, it doesn’t work. You have to let the story speak for itself, and the characters be themselves. As a writer, you create characters by not trying to create a type of character. Trying, I find, makes them come out false.
Q: If you could have dinner with anyone in the world who would it be & why?
My family. That’s probably a boring answer, but they’re my comfort zone. I admire lots of people, present and past, am fascinated by many. But I’m fine not meeting them, not spending time eating dinner with them. There’s a certain romance in admiring someone from a distance, so I’ll stick with that and eat with the people in whose company I’m comfortable.
Q: As a child what did you want to do when you grew up?
A writer, of course.
Q: Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
Yep, always wanted to be a writer. Tried different things, mostly office work, but never really wanted to be anything other than a writer.
Q: When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?
That’s the thing, I still don’t consider myself a “writer.” I don’t think I will ever feel like I’ve “made it.” I write, is probably a better way to describe how I look at what I do. I love to write. I’m blessed to have people want to read what I write, I’m honoured and thrilled.
Q: If you could go on a date with one of the male/female characters from a book who would it be (Character name, Book Title & Author's Name) and what would you do on that date?
Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. Where would I go? Don’t care, just as long as I get to say that I went out on a date with Jon Snow. I did consider Jamie Fraser from Outlander for a brief second, but .. nah. He belongs with Claire. I couldn’t get in the middle of that.
Q: Do you have a favorite playlist that you listen to when you write?
I prefer not to have music on, actually. It’s like reading. I need to watch the story in my head, and when I have music on, I can’t dig in and become a part of the story.
Q: Do you read all the reviews for your book(s)?
I do, yes. They say you shouldn’t, but I do. Each review, good or bad, gives me insight, and helps me improve as a writer.
Q: Which do you prefer paperback, hardback or ebooks & why?
I feel bad for saying this because I write largely ebooks, but print (hardcover or paperback, doesn’t matter). I like to feel the weight of a book in my hands, to turn the pages and watch the “read” half get bigger. I feel like I’m accomplishing something that way, in addition to reading a great book. Simplistic, I know. But I can’t help it.
Q: What are you currently reading? Are you enjoying it? What format is it in (ebook, hardback or paperback) and who is the author?
I’m reading Ruined Abbey by Anne Emery. I’m intensely interested in The Troubles of Northern Ireland, and this book is a mystery surrounding those decades.
Q: Of all of the books you have written do you have a favorite & why?
No, no favourites. It’s like with my characters: I love each book as much as the others, just in different ways. I would expect that’s what happens when you put your heart into every book you write. They all turn out differently, but each one is a piece of you.
Q: When you aren't writing what do you do to relax and have fun?
Relax? What’s that? I’m not familiar with the term “when you’re not writing.” *wink*
Okay now some fun ones:
Q: What are your favorite types of heroines? Do you like the damsel in distress who needs saving or the kick-ass variety? Why?
Oh, kick-ass for sure. I like a woman that doesn’t need a man. She takes one because he is her equal in some way. They are two halves of a whole.
Q: Can you tell us about your worst date ever?
It was cold. His nose was running. The first kiss was also the last. That should give your imagination enough to complete the rest of that picture.
Q: What is your one “guilty pleasure”?
I don’t have one. I love chocolate and wine, and have absolutely no guilt in indulging.
Q: What is or was your most embarrassing moment or the craziest thing you have ever don’t? Come on you can’t hold out on everyone. LOL
Most embarrassing moment … geez, there are so many! Well, the most recent one involved a jump rope, wine and pants that were too big. Take it from me, reliving one’s childhood jump-rope champion days is never a good idea. Especially if one’s undies are of the “well loved” variety.
Q: Do you have a favorite love scene from a book or movie? Which book/movie & scene?
Perfect by Judith McNaught. Just about every love scene in that book is my favourite!
How about a little of This or That:
Coffee or Tea? Coffee in the morning, tea at night.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate. The darker the better.
Kinky or Sweet? Sweet. I can’t help it, I love sweet.
Tall, dark & handsome or blonde, surfer type? Blonde surfer type. Love that shaggy hair.
Dine in or Dine out? Whichever, as long as it comes from a restaurant. Delivery counts as dine-in, doesn’t it?
Sunset or Sunrise? Sunrise. I’m definitely a morning person.
Steak or Chicken? Steak. Rare.
Cats or Dogs? Do I have to choose? I love them both.
Dom or Sub? For him, right? Sub (tee hee)
Summer or Winter? Winter. I’m Canadian. We love our winter.
Shower or Bath? Shower. In and out, then back to writing.
Beer or Wine? Wine, red only … unless it’s craft beer.
Scary or Comedy? Comedy. I’m not a risk taker, and I don’t like suspense.
Biker or Billionaire? Is the biker Charlie Hunham?
Thong or Comando? For me or for him??
Rock or Country? Depends on the setting. Rock at hockey tournaments, country at the cottage
Vanilla or Toys? Vanilla. Sorry, I’m boring. Vanilla goes with sweet over kinky.
Pink or Black? Pink with black lace.
Can You Share With Readers Your Top Ten Fantasies?
Of course I can … but they can always read my books, because pretty much all my latent and secret fantasies end up in writing there!
Hi Victoria, thanks for having me! I'm so thrilled to be here :)
ReplyDeleteWonderful interview, Veronica! Best of luck with your new release!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Paula!
DeleteHi, Veronica. We have a lot in common. Love for: chocolate, red wine, Judith McNaught books, and Charlie Hunnam. ;D Congratulations on the new release.
ReplyDeleteGreat minds do think alike, Sheri, lol. Thanks for stopping by :)
DeleteGreat minds do think alike, Sheri, lol. Thanks for stopping by :)
DeleteTerrific interview!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Emily :)