Q: Can you tell us a little about yourself to start?

I’m from a small coastal town in California where I grew up around horses. After college, I worked for two different engineering contractors when I met my husband. We married a year later and had kids a year after that. Now, I work in his office from our ranch home and write every spare moment when time allows. With two busy teen boys who are both involved in sports, the adventures inside my books are a way for me to escape!
Q: How are you feeling now that your latest book is out & on tour?
It feels good to have Lord of the Jungle published, but there’s no time to rest! The next book in the series is complete, I just need to tweak it a bit before handing it off to the editor.
Q: Describe your book in 3 words?
Steamy. Erotic. Romance.

Q: Are you currently working on a new book at this time?
Yes! I’m cleaning up the next book in the Jungle Island series, currently untitled.
Q: What was the first thing that came to your mind when your first book was published?
I think I was too stunned to think coherently, but it probably went something like this: That’s my name on that book!
Q: If you could have dinner with anyone in the world who would it be & why?
Now, that’s a tough question! I want them to be nice, not stuck up. I love to laugh, so they’d better have a sense of humor. I want to engage in conversation, rather than be talked at, so we should have something in common. Guess that narrows it down to about 100 people!
Q: As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
I think I was in first or second grade when my teacher asked the kids to draw their answer to this same question. I probably used every crayon in the box to draw a huge throne-style chair with me sitting and sacks of money all around. The caption read: I want to be rich! I feel I’ve reached my adolescent goal, perhaps not in monetary value, but certainly in a fullness of life.
Q: Do you have a favorite playlist that you listen to when you write?
While all my friends in college cranked their music during homework, I tended to study in a quiet room. Nothing’s changed. I don’t have a dedicated writing area or a room with a door to close. If I need to block out the sounds of my high school boys with their friends, I’ll wear headphones and listen to soothing background sounds. When writing Lord of the Jungle, I found a three-hour track of jungle sounds!
Q: When you aren't writing what do you do to relax and have fun?
Honestly, I don’t often have time for relaxation. We live on a ranch that requires work seven days a week; horses and livestock to feed, and there’s always something that needs repair. But on the rare occasion we manage to slip away (in late July we took our first family vacation in ten years!), I like spending time near water. Beach, lake, rivers – I’m not picky. If not the water, then a 30-minute horseback ride does wonders for the soul.

Okay now some fun ones:
Q: What are your favorite types of heroines? Do you like the damsel in distress who needs saving or the kick-ass variety? Why?
I like the damsel in distress because I love an alpha male to come to her rescue!
Q: Can you tell us about your worst date ever?
Not exactly a bad date in the sense that things went awry. But…well, you’ll see:
I met a nice, handsome guy in my college business law class. We’d have lunch together at the campus cafeteria, stuff like that. One day we made plans to meet for our first evening date at a local watering hole that weekend. He never showed. The reason? He’d been arrested for assaulting a girl in her room at the women’s dorms.
Q: What is your one “guilty pleasure”?
Hands down, it’s sushi. So good, and so expensive!
How about a little of This or That:
Coffee or Tea? Coffee in the morning, then tea after 3 PM
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate!
Kinky or Sweet? Ha! I’ll never tell.
Tall, dark & handsome or blonde, surfer type? I married the blonde surfer type, except he’s a cowboy! (but he can surf, too)

Dine in or Dine out? I prefer to dine in
Sunset or Sunrise? I love sunsets, especially at the beach.
Steak or Chicken? I’ll go with chicken, but I do like medium-rare Prime Rib.
Cats or Dogs? Both, though I don’t have a cat right now. We currently have 9 dogs.
Dom or Sub? LOL – I don’t think that means Dom Perion or a Sub sandwich.
Summer or Winter? Winter. No wait! Summer. Grrr, how about Spring?
Shower or Bath? Shower, again the time constraints thing.
Beer or Wine? Wine, baby!
Scary or Comedy? Comedy, I love to laugh.
Biker or Billionaire? Billionaire, because he buy whatever bike he wants.
Thong or Commando? Thong for me, Commando for him!
Rock or Country? Oh man, depends on my mood. Active pursuits: Rock Relaxation: Country
Vanilla or Toys? You’re naughty! I’m not telling!
Pink or Black? Pink, but it has to be Shocking Pink. And it does look best accentuated with black.
Dog-gonnit that was fun! Thanks for having me!
ReplyDeleteGreat Interview!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post! I loved the photo from your wedding. This was an amazing book and a must buy! Now she needs to get that next one done!
ReplyDeleteHi Melissa - thanks for stopping by! We have so few pictures from our wedding, only 24 total were snapped by guests. Three rolls of film were "lost". But I have it all in memory :) I'm almost ready to have the next book sent to the editor! Stand by...
DeleteThat was a fun post...glad your date didn't show up. That had to create a bit of mistrust in men.
ReplyDeleteLOL that was a wicked post. Lord of the Jungle is a hot read too!
ReplyDeleteHi Brenda, thanks for stopping by. There's something about steamy jungles and half naked men that caught my interest. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Brenda, thanks for stopping by. There's something about steamy jungles and half naked men that caught my interest. :)