Cover Reveal
Title: Stemming from Secrets
Series: Ninety-Nine Roses Series: Book Two
Author: Mareta L. Miller
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 12, 2015
When two people who are broken, one by deceit and the other by a tragic loss, find each other, it’s nothing short of amazing. They also find that the second chance they may have never thought they wanted brought them the person that they now can’t bear to be without.
But with Julia’s past comes secrets that she has yet to share with her new love. And in the near future, Derick will have his own. Both are withholding the truth, motivated by protecting each other as well as themselves.
Now they are both left with questions and choices. Is the love they have going to be enough for them to stay together, or will that same love make them choose to let each other go?
Book two of the Ninety-Nine Roses series. Not meant to be a stand alone.
My name is Mareta L. Miller, and I’m a thirty-something-year-old Las Vegas native. Trust me when I say that growing up in Vegas, is not as awesome as it sounds. I’ve never lived in a casino and I’ve never been a stripper or a showgirl, but I have spotted Elvis no less than twice a day, my entire life. I’m just your average wife and mother of ten. Yup, I said ten, consisting of three daughters, a stepson, three puppies (because mine will never be dogs), two kitties, and a turtle.
I wish I could say I don’t have to work outside of my writing, but I do, and rectifying that fact is on the top of my “When I make it Big” list. Working the standard 40hr week, doesn’t leave much time to write, but I take advantage of every minute I have. Late nights and early mornings make for really long days, but I figure I can sleep later.
My writing, which only started a little over a year ago, has become a constant need. It's been my way to deal with fear, but also a way to create hope. Hope that real love exists and can conquer. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment and I love being able to share my stories with all of you. I hope you’ll continue to follow me on this journey because this is only my beginning. Although my wings have begun to flutter, you’ve yet to really see me fly.
Read book one now!
Telling Me With Roses
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