Title – The Other Woman
Author – Eve Rabi
Genre – Modern Day Romance
Publication Date – 27 January 2015
Publisher –Eve Rabi
Cover Artist – Eve Rabi
But Link - Amazon Kindle
Meet Rival and Scarlett. They used to be best friends, until Scarlett stole Rival’s husband. But unlike most wives, Rival
refuses to turn the other cheek.
Not only did Scarlett steal my husband, she also helped herself to my children, my friends and shattered all my dreams.
She just fell into the life I took years to build, and is blissfully happy, while I have to start my life all over again. How can I
not be angry and bitter?
These woman who steal husbands, destroy families and shatter dreams, why isn’t society doing something about it?
Why are we allowing them to get away with it?
People say, “Move on. Living well is the best revenge.”
I don’t agree. I want revenge. It’s all I can think about.
If Rival didn’t want to lose Bradley to me, she should have tried harder to be a better wife. She could have started off by
losing weight. I mean, she was married to a handsome and charismatic man who was going to be Australia’s next Prime
Minister, and she was a size twelve! Twelve. That’s a whopping size forty-two in Italy and a giant eight in the U.S.! A
body for a Dove commercial.
How dare she? How dare she have the arrogance to value bread and pasta and rice and noodles and potatoes and
chocolate mousse over someone like Bradley Murdoch?
I mean, look at Posh – she’s a size zero. Why? Because she appreciates David. She does not in any way jeopardize her
position as Almost Royalty.
And Angelina, clearly she forgoes carbs because those hip bones, they could put out Brad’s eyes, let me tell you. These
women, they sacrifice to keep their men, to keep away predators like me and that’s how it ought to be.
I’m a size six, by the way. That would make me a four in the U.S., a five in Japan, a two in Canada, a four in the UK and a
mere thirty-two in Italy, making me an extra-small, everywhere in the world, get it? It’s important that you do, because I
work hard at my centerfold figure and I do believe I deserve recognition for it.
Eve Rabi lives in Australia, but she was born in South Africa.
She is the author of 25 books and is known for her kick-ass leading ladies, alpha males and no holes-barred love
Oh, and let’s not forget about humour, it’s a must in her books.
To quote a reviewer: “When you pick up an Eve Rabi book, forget sleep. She writes gripping page
turners that will keep you reading till the very end.”
Books that, like GRINGA, are sure to offend, entertain and amuse readers in various parts of the globe.
Please direct all hate mail and death threats to as she would really love to hear from you,
good and not so good and please ...write a review.
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