Hi everyone My name is Victoria Zumbrum, 40 years old, married 14 years with 1 son. This is my very first blog. So bear with me. I have always wanted to have my own blog. I have always loved to read. I enjoy getting lost in a good book.
I love becoming part of the story and characters. I am hoping to bring my love of books to my readers.

I love reading different genres such as paranormal, young adult, romance, romantic suspense, mystery, Christian fiction, some horror, etc. The list goes on. I started reviewing books a couple of years ago and have done reviews for different blogs and even some authors. I really have enjoyed reviewing books and I will continue to do so. If anyone is interested in me reviewing a book for them, please contact me. I still have a lot to learn regarding my own blog so bear with me. I welcome and appreciate all followers.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Fire of the Gods by Miriam Newman Book Tour and Giveaway


 The Hand of the Gods has held all those who survived the Battle of Grandfather Mountain. Now, another has been born under the Fire of the Gods.  

Fire of the Gods

The Sahra Chronicles Book 3

by Miriam Newman

Genre: Historical Fantasy Romance

 The Hand of the Gods has held all those who survived the Battle of Grandfather Mountain, and now another has been born under the Fire of the Gods. Is it a sign of favor or does it mark him for death?

Sange, sister of Arak clan chieftain Javrik, has followed her husband, Arman, to his native land. But her people half a world away are occupied by forces of the mighty Empirate of Omana, and now she is in Alcinia, an ally of Omana. The Emperator’s sisters hold powerful positions there and, belatedly, she realizes that she and her infant son are hostages.

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**Don’t miss the rest of the series!**

Find them on Amazon

 I fell in love long ago with fantasy poetry driven by myths and legends, as well as stories of heroes and battles. Ancient Celtic writings were my special passion, along with the Roman Empire, Roman Britain, the Norman invasion of England, and tales of the Vikings. My first book emerged when I was an...ahem...youthful 52. Well, I’m not 52 any more and up to 34 books and it’s been a great run.

Retired from many years in social work, now I pass my days writing, researching and living with a pack of highly demanding rescue dogs. I write in every genre I please, usually with a good dose of romance, and you can see my books at

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Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

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