Title of book – Barbara’s Plea
Name of Editor – Dominque Agnew
Name of cover designer – DR Graphic Expressions
Page # or word count – 184 Pages – Paperback Copy – 66K word
Official genre of book – Romantic Suspense
Content warning – Adult situations (abuse) – no on screen sex – minimal language

Barbara lives in constant fear of her husband. She finally summons the courage to leave with their young daughter, Allie, but dreads the moment her husband learns of their escape. In his desire to control them and bend them to his will, he will leave no stone unturned to punish them–especially Barbara.
Grey’s future seems bleak, especially the day he is fired, but everything begins to turn around the moment he absently sinks down on a bench occupied by wealthy Gloria Withers. Gloria sees something in him that no one else bothers to notice and, within moments, a friendship is sparked that will withstand many trials.
When Barbara makes good her escape and arrives on the doorstep of her grandmother, Gloria, whom she hasn’t seen for years, Barbara is greeted instead by Grey. It doesn’t take long for a different kind of spark to fly as Barbara takes up residence in the Withers mansion.
When Grey falls inexorably in love with not only Barbara, but also her daughter Allie, he vows to do everything he can to protect them from her husband who is out for revenge.

Allie had watched him walk out of sight, and I could only wonder what was going on inside her little brain as she did. I knew that in my mind, I was seeing the most wonderful man I had ever met stride proudly away. He wasn’t leaving us; he was just going to do his job—and I couldn’t wait to see him again later that night. I took an extra few minutes to make sure I was dressed nicely, although I only had on slacks and a blouse. Grey didn’t appear to be the type of guy to get turned on by expensive clothes, and I loved that about him.
There were many things that I liked about him, from the way the sun lightened his hair to the way his eyes sparkled as he looked at me with a smile.
I knew we were far from a point where either of us could state we had feelings for one another, but part of me wanted to believe in the romantic fairy tale of love at first sight—the night he had held Allie over the sink and grinned as she made a mess.
That night I saw a man I could love, a man who could not only love me, but my daughter as well. My rational mind knew it was way too early to even consider such things. After the relationship from hell that I had been in, and was still trying to legally get out of, you would think I would run for the hills to avoid any attachment, yet I longed for a loving family—something that I had been denied.
I wanted a man I could adore, and one that desired me for who I was, not how I could please him. I wanted a father for Allie, someone she could look up to so she could experience that not all men are as horrible as her father. I wanted a friend with whom I could share my life, the ups and downs and twists and turns that life threw at you. I wanted to be loved like a woman, not be a possession to be controlled.

My head told me over and over it was too soon to even consider filling that position, but my heart told me to take the vacancy sign down because the spot had already been filled. How was that possible? I stared at myself in the mirror a moment longer. I had my whole life to fall in love and have a happy family. I would take it one day at a time.
I skipped down the stairs and had just reached the bottom step when the doorbell rang. I pulled the door open wide, and my heart dropped into my stomach as I was ripped off of cloud nine.
“Well, if it isn’t my dear, sweet wife,” Todd smirked. “Don’t you look lovely—and alive.”
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