
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Gone Before by Terry Korth Fischer Virtual Book Tour




Small-town detective, Rory Naysmith, thought he’d seen it all, but a young woman’s brutal murder is especially hard to stomach. Doubly so, when he recognizes the murder’s MO is identical to that of Tobias Snearl—the killer he put behind bars a decade before. His frustration grows after a series of senseless accidents plague those dearest to him, and a second woman dies—this one too close to home. Searching for answers, Rory races against time, plunging deep into the murder investigations, drawing ever closer to becoming a casualty of the dark, angry deeds himself, until he finds no one is who they pretend to be—and none are beyond evil’s reach.

Excerpt One:


In the distance, the railroad bridge stretched from Nebraska over the Missouri River and touched the Iowa shore. Someone had mounded boulders farther down. Perhaps they’d been removed from the grounds and left there for a retaining wall. More likely, they were hidden from view, too heavy to move elsewhere. They were an eyesore, starting at the tree line, topping three feet, and spreading down to the water’s edge. Rory scrambled up the stack, intent on gaining the elevated advantage, the moss-covered boulders felt slippery under the smooth leather soles of his shoes.


When he reached the top, he caught a whiff of cigarette smoke—or was it marijuana?


He pivoted quickly and lost purchase. To break the fall, he instinctively put out his hands, and his foot slid into a crevice between two large stones. His forearms smashed against the hard surface. The force of his body slam moved the boulders which then interlocked around his foot.


From behind, he heard someone run off through the trees. He cursed, pushed up, ignored the complaints from his knees, and hand-walked his upper body back to his feet. With one foot captive, and kneeling over the other, he awkwardly righted himself. Then gave a tug. The vise-grip held tight. His palms felt razor-scraped. He reached for the phone, but it wasn’t there.


It took a moment to spot his lifeline, five feet away and out of reach.


If you could apologize to someone in your past, who would it be?

I don’t imagine I’m the only person who has done, or left undone, something they later regret. But I’ve always felt that shortcomings are best acknowledged immediately. So instead of apologizing, I’d prefer to work at being kind, more patient, and accepting in the future.


If you could keep a mythical/ paranormal creature as a pet, what would you have?

I think a fairy would be an enjoyable pet. They are small, magical, and have a fondness for trickery.


How do you keep your writing different from all the others that write in this particular genre?

I write mystery, and there are several elements that readers of this genre expect in a novel.

Naturally, I want to meet those expectations. So, in that sense, I don’t want to be different. Instead, I like to include experiences from my life and the personal perceptive I’ve gained from them to set me apart.


What are the best and worst pieces of writing advice you ever received?

The best advice I received was to persevere. Richard Bach is credited with saying, “An author is a writer who didn’t give up.” I believe that. On the other hand, the worse advice I ever received was from a member of my writers' group, who encouraged me to write in a different genre. It was a disaster. I was uninspired, uncomfortable, and felt unqualified. So, my advice would be to follow your own passions.


Are the experiences in this book based on someone you know or events in your own life?

When I was writing the first draft of Gone Before, my husband underwent an operation, followed by a lengthy hospital stay. So, it was pretty easy to draw on our hospital experience. However, the situations in this book are imaginary, and my characters' reactions are based on the personalities of people I know. In my opinion, the combination of “real” and “what if” makes a story feel authentic and enjoyable.




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Terry Korth Fischer writes mystery and memoir. Her memoir, Omaha to Ogallala, was released in 2019. Her short stories have appeared in numerous anthologies in print and online. Terry is a member of Sisters in Crime, Pennwriters, Inc, and Clear Lake Area Writers. Transplanted from the Midwest, Terry lives in Houston with her husband and their two guard cats. She enjoys a good mystery, heat and humidity, and long summer days. Visit her website at


Social media contacts:




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Terry Korth Fischer will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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  1. Thank you for sharing the author's interview and book details, Gone Before sounds like an excellent read

  2. Great interview and excerpt, Terry, Gone Before sounds like a thrilling, edge of your seat read for me to enjoy! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a wonderful day!
