
Friday, November 28, 2014

Review of The Christmas Wreath by Angela Ford and Author Interview


Annie Dixon’s love for nature and her hometown of Glenville has her driven to find a way to keep the tree farm from outsiders. When the bank grants sixty days before the tree farm is listed for public sale, Annie and her friends devise a plan to finance the buy.

The death of Annie’s childhood friend brings Detective Ryder Harris back to Glenville. A child in his eyes, he always called her ‘Sweet Annie’. Now he sees her differently. Annie never admitted she had a big crush for Ryder. Now that familiar flutter in her heart is back. Annie knows Ryder won’t settle in Glenville. And is Ryder really back for his sister’s funeral or is he connected to the town resort’s sudden disappearance of their manager?

For the first time in many years, Ryder is excited about the holidays. Will the magic of Christmas forever connect these two hearts


I really enjoyed the Christmas Wreath.  This was a wonderful love story filled with suspense and intrigue.  I loved the storyline and characters.  I could not put the book down.  Annie has been in love with her best friend's brother Ryder since she was a child.  When her best friend dies, Ryder comes back to Glenville for his sister's funeral.  When Ryder and Annie meet again, there is instant chemistry between them.  As Ryder and Annie start spending time together again and getting to know one another, they start to fall in love.  Annie knows Ryder won't stay in town but can't help falling in love with Ryder.  Will Ryder's secret destroy their relationship.

Angela is an excellent writer and story teller.  Her books are filled with suspense, intrigue and romance. She has a way of sucking you into the story and characters she  has created.  You can feel all the characters heartache, pain and love.  The Christmas Wreath is no exception.  I highly recommended reading any of her books.   You will not be disappointed.  5 stars.


Angela Ford originates from Nova Scotia...Canada's Ocean Playground! Her love of the ocean and sunsets are always in her heart and give her inspiration. Her love for words keeps her turning the page. She is never without a book, whether she's reading or writing. Her dedication and involvement with cyber safety seminars gave her an Award of Distinction and sparked the idea for her first book Closure. Between two jobs, being a mom with a home always filled with teenagers and rather interesting stories; she is lucky to have one very patient and understanding man. Every possible quiet moment she finds, she treasures and just writes about the moments to come. You can follow her at or visit her website/blog at
She is a member of the RWA and an avid reader of Romance.
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Q1. What inspired you to be a writer?

Being a reader first is what inspired me to be a writer. I love the escape that a book can whisk you away into a world of imagination. A great read is able to evoke so many emotions within you and simply make you and your heart smile.

Q2. Are you married? Kids?

 I have two amazing big kids (17 & 21) that are so supportive & helpful with my book promotions…5 furry kids (2 bossy cats, 1 adorable Puggle & 2 unique guinea pigs)…and one very patient and understanding man!

Q3. What genre or genres do you like to write and read?

 I write romantic suspense and sweet & spicy contemporary romance. I love to read any genre and I love discovering a new amazing talented author that will take me on that escape.


Q4. Do you have a favorite author or authors?

 My favorite author since I was a teen has been Danielle Steele. She can easily take me into another world of characters to fall in love with…bring out my emotions and make me smile at the end. Since I began to write, I’ve discovered so many talented authors that I now keep on my ‘treasured shelf’…there’s just too many to name :)



Q5. Do you have a favorite book or books?

 Many fav books on my treasured shelf but my one time fav in my heart is Pride & Prejudice…always!


Q6. Do you consider yourself a romantic?

 Hopeless Romantic!

Q7. What would you consider a romantic evening?

 I’ve created so many in my books lol but for me it would be a walk on the beach, hand & hand at sunset. Maybe a bonfire by the ocean after sunset…and well who knows after that ;)

Q8. Do you daydream a lot?

I’m a writer…I don’t sleep much…I daydream all day!

 Q9. If you had to choose a place for a romantic setting, where would it be?

 The beach, of course! Although I do have a soft spot for a Christmas magical setting with snow, trees, lights, mistletoe & hot cocoa by the fireplace


Q10. What is your favorite color or colors?

 Reds…pinks…oranges…yellows…Yes! The brilliant colors of amazing sunsets!

Q11. What is your favorite holiday?

 My most fav is Halloween…tho it isn’t really a holiday lol but I love my suspense…thriller…love my murders lol I write suspense! I do also have that soft spot for a Magical Christmas :)


Q12. Where would you go on a first date?

 The beach.


Q13. How would you impress your date?

 A romantic candlelight dinner on the beach with soft music or perhaps a violinist playing in the background; with red rose petals scattered over the sand



Q14. Where is your favorite vacation spot?

 Nova Scotia in the summer to visit my family & to spend a couple of days at my sister’s beach house


Q15. I really enjoyed reading Christmas Wreath. What inspired you to write?

 I was asked to join an anthology with three other authors and I thought it would be fun. We had one major theme and from there we branched off to write our own stories and interconnect our characters. I had such fun! A great experience that I will definitely do again. For an inspiration…I had Christmas…such a magical holiday with lights and decorations and happiness…just makes it simple to create a beautiful love story with all the trimmings!


Q16.  Are you from a small town?

 I was born in a small town in Nova Scotia. I now live in a city but miss the small town friendliness. I would love to live in a small town again…of course…near the beach lol


Q17. Do you have any books you are currently working on?

 At present I’m finishing a romantic thriller and then moving on to finish the final of the Closure series. I will begin edits for the Valentine romantic suspense soon too.

Q18. What book or series that you wrote would you recommend to readers? And why?

 I would recommend the Closure series to teens, young adults & parents of adolescents. I wrote this series after years of volunteering as a School Council Chair and host of Cyber Safety seminars. The message inside the books is to be safe online. It is a scary world we live in and the internet is an amazing powerful tool but it can also give power and control to internet predators.

For a softer, more enjoyable recommendation for those who do not like the suspense…murder…horror side; I’d recommend the Love List Series of love and friendship and also the Forever Christmas Series for that holiday magical escape.

This or That

Chocolate or Vanilla?


Boxers or Briefs?


Cat or Dog?

I’m more of a dog person…but don’t tell my cats lol I can’t cuddle them like the dog due to allergies :( but still love the darlings!
Edward or Jacob? 


Beach or Mountains? beach girl...Beach!

Small town or City?

Small town

Book or Kindle?


Lillies or Roses?



  1. Thank you Victoria for having me here on your blog! The questions were fun and a chat with you always makes my heart smile :)
    Ange xo

  2. Great review and interview ��
