
Friday, November 28, 2014

Reivew of Christmas Reflections by Joanne Jaytanie and Author Interview


As a teenager Juliet Swanson couldn’t wait to get out of her home town of Glenville, WA and move to the big city. She moved to California to attend college, and then went to work for a large corporation. It didn’t take her long to realize that clawing her way up the ladder at others expense wasn’t the life she wanted. She moved back to her home town, fell in love with the ‘family feel’ of living there and has a close knit group of girlfriends she shares everything with. Now if she could only find a way to make her dream career a reality she would have it all, except for Mr. Right.

Colton Weatherly is a city guy who eats and breaths his career as a project manager for a acquisitions corporation. He is assigned to acquire the Glenville Ski Resort, along with the Schwartz Christmas Tree Farm. By his estimation it will be an easy close, and he plans to wrap it up in one short weekend. What he didn’t plan on was butting heads with Juliet, who is not the average ‘local girl.’

Reflecting on one’s life can sometimes lead to discovering a path you never knew existed.

Story 1 in the best-selling Christmas romance series, Christmas Forever.
The western Washington town of Glenville is threatened with the possible loss of their 100 year old Christmas tree farm to an outside corporation. Four friends join together to keep the tradition alive and create new opportunities with the rebirth of the Forever Christmas tree farm.


Juliet loves her home town of Glenville, WA and will do anything to protect it.  Her and 3 other friends get together to purchase the Christmas Tree Farm to keep the tradition alive.  The only obstacle is Colton Weatherly, who is there to acquire the Glenville Ski Resort and Christmas Tree Farm.  Juliet and Colton clash when she realizes what he is up to.  But the more time Colton spends with Juliet and the town, the more he comes to love both of them.  When Colton realizes what his company is really up to, he tries to save the town he has come to love.

I really love the Christmas Forever series.  We have some very amazing authors with some very amazing stories.  Joanne is an excellent writer.  I love her style of writing and I love the characters and storyline.  She has a way of drawing you into her stories.  You feel very much part of the story and feel all the characters emotions.   I loved all the chemistry between the characters.  It felt so real including the connection and passion between Juliet and Colton.  I love Joanne's books and I am looking forward to reading what she writes next.  I highly recommend you read her books and the Christmas Forever series.  You will not regret it.  5 stars.


Joanne was born and raised in Sherburne, New York, a quaint village surrounded by dairy farms and rolling hills. From the moment she could read she wanted to explore the world. During her college years she slowly crept across the country, stopping along the way in Oklahoma, California, and finally Washington State, which she now proudly calls home. She lives with her husband and Dobermans, in their home located on the Kitsap Peninsula with a panoramic view of the Olympic Mountains.

Joanne writes paranormal and romantic suspense. She loves writing about the twists and turns of her character's lives and the trouble they find themselves involved in, coupled with building an everlasting relationship. She enjoys a wide variety of books including paranormal, suspense, thriller, and most of all romance.

Joanne is a member of Romance Writers of America, and an active member of Debbie Macomber's home chapter, Peninsula Romance Writers, where she currently serves as the President.


Q1. What inspired you to be a writer? My freshman Creative Writing teacher.

Q2. Are you married? Kids? Married for 25 years and I have 2 step-children.

Q3. What genre or genres do you like to write and read? Romantic suspense with paranormal elements, contemporary romance, thrillers, mysteries

Q4. Do you have a favorite author or authors? Clive Cussler, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Lisa Gardner, Preston & Child, Christine Feehan, I can go on and on…

Q5. Do you have a favorite book or books? I can’t think of just one.

Q6. Do you consider yourself a romantic? Yes

Q7. What would you consider a romantic evening? A warm summer night and candle light dinner in a garden gazebo.

Q8. Do you daydream a lot? No…it’s story plotting. J

Q9. If you had to choose a place for a romantic setting, where would it be? Greece

Q10. What is your favorite color or colors? Purples

Q11. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas

Q12. Where would you go on a first date? A picnic on the beach.

Q13. How would you impress your date? By engaging in interesting conversation.

Q14. Where is your favorite vacation spot? The next place I travel to.

Q15. I really enjoyed reading Christmas Reflections. What inspired you to write?

I love the holiday season, the lights and colors shimmer and shine everywhere you look. The smell of cinnamon, hot apple cider, a crackling fire, the fresh cut evergreen tree. It all brings back the memory of when I was a small child and our yearly hunt for our Christmas tree. It didn’t come in box or from parking lot vendor.

We would pile into the car and head out to my grandmother’s house. She lived out in the country, surrounded by evergreen trees and nature. We bundled up in layers upon layers of clothes, covered every part of our body, except our eyes and mouths, white puffs of breath slipped out from under our toasty scarves. The adults would grab the saws and we headed out for our trek up the mountain, through the three or more feet of pristine sparking snow to find our perfect tree. After a long debate on which tree was the best, it would be chopped down, tied with a rope and we would take turns hauling it back down the mountain. It was a day of hopes and dreams, frozen toes and noses, but I wouldn’t have traded a single moment for anything in the world.

This was my inspiration behind Forever Christmas. I hope it will bring back fond memories, or inspire new ones. Pick up the entire series, it is sure to put you in the holiday spirit.

Q16. Are you from a small town? Actually, a village.

Q17. Do you have any books you are currently working on? I’m currently working on the third book in The Winters Sisters – Willow’s Discovery.

Q18. What book or series that you wrote would you recommend to readers? And why? The Winters Sisters. I love romantic suspense. Add a pinch of paranormal and I’m there!

This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla? Depends on my mood. J

Boxers or Briefs? Neither…

Cat or Dog? Dog

Edward or Jacob? Jacob

Beach or Mountains? beach girl... Both!

Small town or City? Small town

Book or Kindle? Book, Book, Book – but I use a Kindle too.

Lillies or Roses? Lilies


  1. Thank you for hosting me today, Victoria. I really enjoyed your interview questions! :)

  2. Loved reading your answers, Joanne! And I can't wait for the next Winter Sisters book!
