
Friday, October 31, 2014

Prequel Installment in Tricia Skinner's Angel Assassins by Angel Bait

Today is the big day! The prequel installment in Tricia Skinner's ANGEL ASSASSINS series is being re-released into the wild, and will be available on Kindle at the discounted price of $0.99 for a limited time (exclusive to Amazon for 90 days). Please note that if you own the old ebook, you can upgrade for free!

And now, without further ado, feast your eyes on ANGEL BAIT:

Angel-Bait-800 Cover reveal and Promotional

Author's Website | Amazon | GoodReads
He's not that kind of angel.

Jarrid is a “Bound One”: half angel, half human, trained from childhood to enforce Heaven’s laws on earth. An assassin with no remorse. And no choice. When he discovers an ancient ritual called Ascension, which might give him a shot at freedom, he can’t resist his lifelong dream. He only needs to find one last Renegade angel and take him down…using a certain woman to flush the angel out of hiding.

She's not what he's expecting.

News reporter Ionie Gifford has no clue an outlaw angel wants her dead, much less why, but she does know one thing: the enigmatic Jarrid, with his penetrating silver eyes and his worship-worthy body, is her ticket to the city's supernatural underworld, where she might finally be able to locate her mother's killer. For that kind of information, she's willing to risk everything...

They can't be together -- but can't keep apart...

Blindsided by Ionie's beauty and tenacity, Jarrid finds the millennia-old glacier around his heart melting. But when he's faced with a choice, will he sacrifice Ionie for freedom from his brutal servitude—or agree to be bound for eternity, to protect the life of the woman he's falling in love with?

From novelist Tricia Skinner comes a story that will have fans of action-packed love stories applauding. Seamlessly combining elements of paranormal romance and gritty urban fantasy, the Angel Assassins series is a heart-pounding spin on angel mythology.

Angel Assassins Series
Angel BaitAngel Kin
Angel Lover
Fall 2014

Author Bio

Tricia SkinnerI’m Tri­cia Skin­ner and I write Romantic Urban Fan­tasy with Roman­tic Ele­ments. I’m a for­mer jour­nal­ist who dis­cov­ered my inspi­ra­tion to write fic­tion as an escape from “real life.” My read­ing tastes are all over the place, but I’m mainly drawn to fan­tasy (and its sub­gen­res), para­nor­mal, sci-fi, and history.

When I’m not writ­ing, I’m a new­bie “green” prac­ti­tioner, strength train­ing fan, and a tech­nol­ogy geek. I’m a mother and a wife. My fam­ily includes two Great Danes. I’m also a gamer. I enjoy inter­act­ing with my fel­low geeks and help­ing other writ­ers. I’m rep­re­sented by Lau­rie McLean of Fuse Lit­er­ary. *Photo by Kauwuane Bur­ton. | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Amazon | Google+ | Pinterest | Blog


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