
Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Songs of Fate by K.W. Hall Blog Tour



For the past three years, Charlie has fought against the power growing inside her—the strange sparks of light are painful but brutally intoxicating. Just like her dreams of a gray-eyed warrior.


After fighting an unknown creature while hiking, Charlie is aided by a friendly stranger, Logan. But Logan is not who he pretends to be…


When Charlie discovers her dark dreams are not just fantasies but linked to missing men in San Diego, she delves into a world beyond her own—a world of darkness, love, and war… The War of Fate.

Guest Post: The Songs of Fate

Defining Love


The Songs of Fate follows Charlie, a widowed doctoral student on her journey into a world of love, darkness, and war… The War of Fate. Charlie finds herself torn between two men—Logan, a man with his own secrets, and a gray-eyed warrior from her dreams. Charlie is split between two very different men with histories that could not be more opposite. However, she craves both. In The Songs of Fate, a darkness is seeping over worlds, destroying them, and Charlie finds herself in the middle of the war. She is destined for a life beyond what she ever imagined. A life she never asked for. In the middle of the chaos, she cannot explain or define what her heart feels, and if it is allowed.


In our society, some are taught love must be a certain way or come from a certain person. For Charlie, she has only known the love of her husband and lost it when he died. Now, she struggles with the question: what do you do when you heart doesn’t fit into the rules of love anymore? She realizes perhaps love doesn’t have rules. But then Charlie is faced with the dilemma—if there isn’t a rulebook for love, how do you know what is fair?


As an anthropology major myself, I have researched the different customs of various cultures regarding marriage, doweries, and kinship, but it seems love is not so clearly defined.


In ancient cultures around the world, polyandry or polygamy were the norm. In other cultures, and in much of today’s society, monogamy and marriage is the standard. Is this because it was the only idea or framework of love taught to us? What if we weren’t shown examples of couples, groups, or ways of love? If we had to figure out what love meant without a background on the subject, I am not so sure anyone would be able to define the word ‘love.’


This concept of love is explored throughout The Songs of Fate with many different characters. Some are born into world where the term ‘love’ does not exist, while others are born into worlds where there are hundreds of words for ‘love.’ As a romantic at heart, I tend to lean toward the cultures that have many different meanings and terms for love. Not just romantic love, but friendship, marriage, child love, parent love, sibling love, passionate love, enduring love, and my favorite—the beginning of love.


I hope you enjoy reading The Songs of Fate—exploring new worlds of romance through the eyes of Charlie as she experiences all the facets of love. I’m always interested to hear your definition of love.


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Author Bio:

K.W. Hall made the leap into romance writing at the beginning of 2021. She hasn’t looked back after leaving her career as a registered nurse to pursue her dream of writing steamy romance novels. In her previous life, she completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Belmont, a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Alabama, and a Master of Science in Exercise Physiology from Auburn University. After years of searching, she realized creating new worlds of romance and adventure was her calling.


Raised as an Army brat, K.W. lived all over the southern United States during her childhood. She currently resides in Honolulu, Hawaii with her own warrior husband. When not reading or writing, she can be found running the sandy beaches of Oahu. Okay, that wasn’t completely truthful. More likely, she is staring at the waves with a drink in her hand.








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