
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The Dark Beast by Dave Maruszewski Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway




Recently knighted squires Raven, Romda, and Ravai are tasked to help a nearby priest. However, this simple errand turns into much more.  They cross paths with the Dark Beast.  After that brief encounter, they soon realize the Beast’s plans to destroy an entire town.  They journey to this town, meeting residents who tell large tales about the Beast.  How much of stories are true?  The three will find out.  The Dark Beast is coming.

Excerpt One:


“Wow, that was crazy,” Ravai practically shouts.


“Crazy, but true,” says the driver. “But you all look like you could fall asleep.”


“Why do you say that?” says Ravai.


“Well, for one, your friend keeps falling asleep,” he says, and the driver’s friends snicker. “And your female friend hasn’t said a word since we teamed up. Maybe you should rest. We can stop here.”


Ravai doesn’t feel that tired, but he sees the look in Romda’s eyes that it might be a good idea. He acknowledges the stranger’s words, and they stop. It is in the middle of nowhere, trees and small fields all around.


Raven crawls to the nearest log and tries to lie on it. Romda isn’t so easily satisfied. She instead starts to pitch tent and gets out her small bedroll. Her movements are so slow it looks like she won’t be done for an hour.


Ravai continues to talk to the driver. “Turning people into beavers? That’s not possible. You are pulling my leg. How can that be true?”


“It is, I swear,” the driver says.


“How would you know?” Ravai challenges the driver.


“Because my grandfather gave him the rune and spell to do so…and now I serve the master,” the man says coldly.

Lessons from a First Time Author

This is one of my last posts on the tour.  I just realized that if I do a tour again, I won’t be a first time author anymore.  I know that creating a book has been fun but also quite an eye opener.   I’d like to pass on what I have learned just in case some of you are thinking of doing the same thing.  If so, here are six hopefully helpful hints:

1.       Get fully invested in writing a good book.  This sounds a bit elitist, but what I truly mean is have enjoy writing a complete book and doing only that.  I serendipitously did this, and I don’t regret it.  I would never have completed my book if I tried to get everything going at once.  There’s just too much involved with getting a book all the way to market.

2.       It certainly is fine to pay someone for advice early, but later pay only the people who will produce.  I paid for some marketing advice, and it was helpful.  However, at the end of the advice, it was up to me to do everything.  I meandered quite a bit, as I’m not skilled at this area.  Parts of the marketing were quite hard, and I couldn’t get anywhere (even getting an e-mail response.)  It is important to recruit people that will actively help you achieve your dream.  If not, you may end up spinning your wheels.

3.       Pay someone else for something you can’t do as well.  This is the silent partner to the last point.  You have to remember that you’re an author.  You write books.  You aren’t responsible to be great at everything.  I realized that I needed people to do some of the work for me, not just tell me what to do.  This virtual tour is a good example of it.  I would have never have been able to set up all of these stops in such a short time.  Someone with experience can help make this happen for you.  It may seem like too much money in some cases, but balance that with how much time that you think you’d waste doing the same task.  You can always do side work to pay for it.  That’s time better spent.

4.       Editing is essential.  I’m a prime example of this.  I’ll admit that I can be sloppy.  I need several re-writes and people to look at my work.  Everyone makes mistakes, and the person who makes them is least likely to see them.

5.       Submit to the dual publishing platform.  I think that for me it was essential to get both an e-book and a soft cover out there.   It will attract more readers, and different people like different things.  So, why not offer it?  In my case, I can also offer pricing to e-readers who don’t want to spend a lot on books.  There are so many little benefits.

6.       Thank the people who helped you.  Even if the book is a dud and sells nothing, it is still a privilege to make a book.  I am very thankful to my family who I couldn’t have done this without.  My friends actually went out and bought copies and shared posts.  I published in a way that I could afford and be prosperous.  I’ve also had help from other services along the way, sometimes even free!  I also am thankful to you reading this now.  You don’t even know me and you are willing to spend part of your day listening to my thoughts.  Thank you.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Dave Maruszewski is blessed with a great family.  He was originally inspired to write stories by his wife and son, when they encouraged him to put his bedtime stories on paper. 

His stories are created from an accumulation of experiences from careers/backgrounds as a physicist, engineer, teacher, artist, video game designer and software developer.  He strives to develop stories with sound moral values that will be enlightening as well as entertaining to youths and adults.

In between writing stories and running his own company, Digital Tumult (, Dave enjoys video games, watching internet videos and hanging out with his family.







The book is on sale for $0.99 during the tour.






Dave Maruszewski will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


Please use this rafflecopter code on your post:


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