
Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Soldier's Guide to PTSD Book Tour and Giveaway


The Soldier's Guide to PTSD

A Guide to Reclaiming Your Life

by Virginia Cruse

Genre: Nonfiction, Self-Help, Military

Finally, a book that plainly explains Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Moral Injury, and how Service Members can reclaim their lives step-by-step

As a therapist, Virginia Cruse was becoming frustrated with the rumors her clients heard about PTSD that kept them from getting better. Why did so many of them believe that PTSD had no cure? That they couldn’t have PTSD because they were not in direct combat? That they didn’t “deserve” to have PTSD, or didn’t “deserve” to get better? The answer hit a nerve with Cruse: no one had taken the time to explain PTSD to Service Members in a way that made sense. Soldiers were losing their resiliency and optimism in a culture that propagated misinformation and went against the facts about PTSD, facts that are necessary to know in order to recover good mental health and salvage important relationships.

Told in the voice of a Soldier-turned-therapist who struggled through her own debilitating PTSD, The Soldier’s Guide does not waste time cutting through the bull and getting down to brass tacks. It is a call to arms, offering facts, empathy, and direction, while urging Service Members to get the help they need, helping family members to understand the battlefield, and connecting civilians with a Warrior culture.

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Virginia is a Licensed Professional Counselor and National Certified Counselor specializing in Military Issues and Combat-Related Trauma. She provides crisis intervention and evidence-based treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Moral Injury, Depression, Combat Operational Stress, and other diagnoses. Virginia is a certified clinician in Cognitive Processing Therapy and Prolonged Exposure Therapy and has 20+ years' experience serving Active Duty Military, Veterans, Military retirees and family members. She is a Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP) and active American Group Psychotherapy Association member. Virginia is an Army Reserve Officer, Combat Veteran, and published re-searcher. She has one amazing husband, Jay, and one terrible dog, Peanut.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$50 Amazon giftcard – 1 winner!

$25 Amazon giftcard – 3 winners!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. Hi, Glenda - Thanks for taking the time to comment. Our book takes an important topic and explains it in a way that anyone can understand. PTSD is an incredibly logical disorder; it is our body and brain's very normal reaction to an abnormal set of circumstances. Once we recognize our symptoms, we can take steps to recover from PTSD and Moral Injury. Thanks again and good luck in the contest!

  2. This sounds like a really good and important book.

    1. Hi, Debbie - thank you for taking the time to comment. When it comes to treatment for PTSD, time and again the phrase I hear from my fellow Veterans is, "I want to do it on my own." I get that, but we need to ask and honestly answer: how is that working out? PTSD is an ass-kicker, and our Guide gives the step-by-step process to reclaim our lives from PTSD and Moral Injury. Thanks again and good luck in the contest!

  3. Would be very useful for some people.
    Thanks for the contest.

    1. You're very welcome - good luck in the contest!

  4. Virginia Cruse is new to me, but I love meeting new authors. We always seem to forget the mental and emotional stress that soldiers go through. Thanks to this blog for the introduction.

    1. Hi, Audrey - thank you for taking the time to comment. It is wonderful to connect with readers and people passionate about books and learning! Yes, Veterans go through much stress. We've all seen this first hand these last few weeks in response to current events in Afghanistan. Many troops are going through something called "Moral Injury" and asking what their sacrifice was for. It's been hard. Thankfully, we have evidence-based treatments for PTSD and Moral Injury and we know that Veterans can reclaim their lives. Our book gives troops and the people who love them a step-by-step Guide to heal. Thank you again and good luck in the contest!
