
Monday, August 9, 2021

Blackheart's Treasure Book Tour and Giveaway


Blackheart's Treasure
Blood Moon Series Book 1
by Gail Koger
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Aiden Blackheart is the most powerful werewolf ever born. He’s a bit surprised when he discovers his mate is an ordinary meter maid with some baggage. Okay, a lot of baggage, which includes a million-dollar bounty on her head, and she’s not quite human. What is she? Even she doesn’t know.

Like to laugh? Love mayhem? Do hot, sexy love scenes turn you on? Wanna know if a not quite human meter maid can find love with a billionaire Alpha wolf. Or will her enemies cut their romance short?

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Howdy. My name is Gail Koger and once upon a time I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher. Too many years of wild requests, screwy questions, bizarre behavior and outrageous demands have left me with a permanent twitch and an uncontrollable craving for chocolate. I took up writing science fiction romance to keep from killing people. So far, it has worked.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$25 Amazon gift card,

Aqua Pendant,

ebook copy of Shenanigans,

1 winner each!


  1. Tammy has a million-dollar bounty on her head, and she just discovered she’s not quite human. What is she? A bunny/badger? To make things even more fun, she’s caught the attention of a dangerous Alpha werewolf.

  2. Sounds like an exciting read and I am looking forward to reading it!
