
Friday, July 2, 2021

Hell Raising and Other Past Times



GENRE: Paranormal Erotic Romance






Lots of people have told me to go to hell—I guess they finally got their wish.


I’ve finally accepted the fact I might not be entirely human, so you’d think life could give me a minute. Instead, I find myself sucked into hell at Lucifer’s demand, and I realize death is even more complicated than my life was.


I’m still searching for how to stop the missing spirits before it’s too late, and with no suspects other than Lucifer, I have to survive hell—where everything wants to kill me—so I can confront the devil himself. Not even my love life can be simple, though. Troy is terrified of his werewolf side hurting me, Kase and Grant are lying to me, and Hunter is keeping his own secrets. I know better than to trust anyone, especially the men who have taken over my life.


Get to Lucifer’s Court, find out the truth about the missing spirits, figure out exactly what I am, and try not to die along the way. Oh, and don’t fall in love with the men who will for sure break my heart and possibly get me killed.


Easy enough, right?





EXCERPTS (Please choose only ONE to use with your post):


Excerpt One:


Hunter nodded, then tossed pieces of twine onto the table. “Rooms for the night. I’d say it’ll be better than sleeping on the ground, but they often rent these things by the hour.”


“Let’s just be glad they don’t have black lights here,” Grant said.


I nodded at the twine. “What’s with the rope? Does the bondage come complimentary? Come for the rooms, stay for the rope play?”


“You telling me you want me to tie you up, shadow-girl?” Hunter picked one up and reached across the table to catch my wrist. He tied it on me, the feeling of his strong fingers against me enough to make me wonder if the rooms might give us a second, spider-free, shot at sex. “These are enchanted to get us into the rooms. Think of it like a keycard, hell-style. We have four rooms, and the sigil on the bead matches the one on the door of the room.”


I twisted the string on my wrist. “There isn’t a bead on mine.”


“That’s because you’re approved for all the rooms.”


The statement sounded nice until math caught up with me and fucked me like it always did. “That means I’m not getting my own room, doesn’t it?”


Hunter didn’t even try to look sorry. “It isn’t nearly safe enough for you to sleep alone, shadow-girl. You’ll bunk down with someone else.”


“And let me guess—you’re offering?”


Excerpt Two:


I moved my fingers down over Kase’s wrist to touch his hand, to where I could brush his actual skin.


The moment it happened, however, the room spun again.


When the breath rushed from my lungs, I realized it wasn’t the room spinning this time but me.


I found Kase’s face above me, his lips peeled back to expose his fangs, his eyes glowing red.


All those times I’d though he looked scary before were nothing. I’d never seen this face. The idea he was older than Colter didn’t seem so crazy anymore.


If his face wasn’t enough, the hand I’d just touched was wrapped around my throat.


He could have snapped my neck right then, ended me without a second thought. It was a reminder of just how out-powered I was by these supernaturals. I had started to feel myself, to think I could stand toe-to-toe with them, especially after shoving that shadow from Troy, but in that moment Kase showed me how wrong I was.



Excerpt Three:


Why was it that men walked out of quickies like some sort of victory lap, but women felt like we had whore tattooed across our foreheads?


Troy had already headed downstairs after dressing. He hadn’t said a lot, had regained a little of that distance he’d had before. I chalked that up to the awkwardness of the moment.


Besides, I had needed a moment to get myself ready. I’d cleaned up as best I could, using a tiny bit of the water Kase had left for me. No one wanted to walk while still sticky…


Still, as I went down the stairs, as all four sets of eyes swung toward me, I felt like each of them could see what I’d done.


They’ve all seen you naked. They’ve all been inside you. There isn’t much mystery.


My cheeks burned as I tucked my hair behind my ear and tried to look as if I didn’t care.


Men could screw everything that walked. Why not me?


No one spoke at first, and I had a moment of thinking everyone would pretend nothing happened. We didn’t need to address anything, right?


“So what did you think of a knot, shadow-girl? Always wanted to try it myself, but I’m a chicken.” Hunter paired the words with a grin so wide, he looked like some sort of jester.


So much for pretending…





AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Jayce Carter lives in Southern California with her husband and two spawns. She originally wanted to take over the world but realized that would require wearing pants. This led her to choosing writing, a completely pants-free occupation. She has a fear of heights yet rock climbs for fun and enjoys making up excuses for not going out and socializing.









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  1. The excerpt was very interesting. I am very intrigued into reading the book.

  2. I enjoyed getting to read multiple excerpts! Thanks!

  3. I loved reading Jayce Carter's bio. I also love the cover of this book.

  4. Do you ever suffer from writer’s block and, if so, how do you overcome it?
