
Monday, June 7, 2021

Author Interview Andrya Bailey



Q: Can you tell us a little about yourself to start? Thank you for the opportunity to be your guest! I was born in Brazil, and I've been in the US more than half of my life, but I still haven't lost my accent. I've done quite a bit of traveling, since I love to explore new cultures, archaeological wonders, museums, and nature. I'm often reading or studying (literature, art, and history are my favorite subjects besides languages - I'm currently learning Greek).

Q: How does your family feel about you being a published author? They think it's pretty cool.

Q: What inspires you to write?  I'm mostly a shy person and always liked to express myself through writing, be it through poems or stories. I just enjoy the creative process of making up my own characters and deciding their fate.

Q: Describe your book in 3 words? Steamy contemporary romance

Q: Out of all of your books do you have a favorite character or couple? Yes, Nikos and Sabrina are my favorite couple. They lived inside my mind for years while I was writing the trilogy, and I grew quite fond of them. Especially Nikos. I wish he were real! :)

Q: Are you currently working on a new book at this time?  I have a few projects on paper, but not yet sure which one will come to fruition as a new book.

Q: Do you have a routine you follow when you write? (i.e. listen to music, sit in a certain chair or at a certain desk)
Other than the fact that I prefer to write during the evening/night, I don't really have any set routine. I can take my laptop and write at a Starbucks, or in bed, or on my desk, or on the sofa while watching TV, it just depends on my mood.

Q: How do your stories & characters develop? 
I'm a total pantser. I'll have an idea, start writing, and let the characters pretty much take over. Sometimes, a song will be the trigger for some action, sometimes a historical fact or a geographical location.

Q: What was the first thing that came to your mind when your first book was published? 
"Is anyone going to read it?"

 Q: Do you have favorite authors whose books you love to read?
Many, for example: Paulo Coelho, Anne Rice, Isabel Allende, Dan Brown, Umberto Eco, Robert Galbraith (aka JK Rowling), Steve Berry.

Q: What is your favorite genre to read & write?
I love historical fiction, thriller, and adventure, books that involve some type of history. I like writing romance but I enjoy throwing in some history mixed with it as well. I consider myself a bit of a history buff.

Q: How do you go about creating the most “Swoonworthy” character?
I'd like to think that my Greek character Nikos is very swoonworthy. I just imagine a very handsome, greek-god Mediterranean man, very sensual, sexy, quiet, serious but a great lover, goal-oriented, someone that wants to be in control yet is sweet and loving and protective.

Q: Can you share something with everyone that inspires you? Historical landmarks. Looking at the Acropolis in Athens, for example, is extremely inspiring to me.

Q: Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be? Yes, I always wanted to be a writer since I was a child.

Q: When did you first consider yourself a “writer”? I think I always did since I used to write stories when I was a child, but when an article that I submitted to an astronomy magazine was published, I was very elated - it was my very first time being published.

Q: Do you have a favorite playlist that you listen to when you write? When writing the Olympian Love trilogy, I listened to a lot of Greek popular songs, to get into a Greek vibe (they were in Greece in some of the books). Otherwise, I listen to INXS and '80s rock and alternative.

Q: Do you read all the reviews for your book(s)? Most of the time I think I do, but I don't look at all the sites where the books are sold.


Q: Which do you prefer: paperback, hardback or ebooks & why? Either paperback or hardback. I enjoy the smell of books, flipping through the pages, and using cute bookmarks! I also started a collection of signed hardbacks and paperbacks, so I love them for that reason too - that you can get them signed by your favorite author.

Q: Of all of the books you have written do you have a favorite & why? My Olympian Love trilogy - I don't think I would be able to single out one of the three books.The reason is that I wrote the books out of my love for Greece, and describing the characters and the places were very real to me. I'm just thrilled that the first book has been published in Greek and they like it a lot!

Q: When you aren't writing what do you do to relax and have fun? Read, watch movies, listen to music, go for walks. When not in a pandemic, travel.

Q: What are your favorite types of heroines? Do you like the damsel in distress who needs saving or the kick-ass variety? Why? I'd say I prefer a mix between both. I grew up with Sleeping Beauty and Wonder Woman, and I loved both!

Q: What is or was your most embarrassing moment or the craziest thing you have ever don’t? Come on, you can’t hold out on everyone. It was pretty embarrassing when I almost lost my bikini top when a wave came crashing into me at the beach (I was in college at that time) and didn't realize it wasn't in its proper place until I got back to my beach chair.

How about a little of This or That: 

Coffee or Tea? coffee
Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
Kinky or Sweet? kinky
Tall, dark & handsome or blonde, surfer type? tall, dark, and handsome
Dine in or Dine out?  dine out
Sunset or Sunrise? sunset
Steak or Chicken? neither, I'm vegetarian
Cats or Dogs? dogs
Dom or Sub? dom
Summer or Winter? summer
Shower or Bath? bath
Beer or Wine? wine
Scary or Comedy? comedy
Biker or Billionaire? billionaire
Thong or Commando? thong
 Rock or Country? rock
Vanilla or Toys? toys
 Pink or Black? black

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the warm welcome and for featuring me on your blog! :)
