
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Raven and Hummingbird Book Tour and Giveaway

Siobhan's Secret 
Raven and Hummingbird Book 1 
by Nikki Broadwell 
Genre: Fantasy 

Kat’s life is a disaster. Her mother is dead, and her stepfather has kicked her out of the one home she’s always counted on, leaving her nothing but the Celtic knot locket Siobhan gave her on her eighteenth birthday. Unable to focus enough to hold down a job she ends up at the women’s shelter where she sees the truth of what life can dish out.

And on top of all that she is positive that her mother did not die from natural causes. But without a dime to her name she has no way to prove it.

In the shelter she meets Cerridwen, an older woman who seems kind enough. But when this same woman appears in Kat’s dream as the goddess of the underworld and keeper of the magical cauldron of inspiration, Kat is more than a little disturbed. Just a dream she tells herself the next morning, dismissing her uneasiness.

In the meantime a strange man seems to be stalking her, his torn jeans and filthy Grateful Dead T-shirt indicating that he’s a drug addict who she wants nothing to do with. And why are there enormous dark birds everywhere she looks? She’s never seen a raven in the city.

As life shifts around her Kat discovers a world she didn’t know existed, her grasp on reality disappearing as she struggles to understand what is happening. 

Dagda's Daughter 
Raven and Hummingbird Book 2 

The Celtic all father god, Dagda, has positioned himself on Earth to maximize his power. But his emotional fate is not so simple; he has broken all the rules regarding humans and gods. In the meantime, his daughter, Katel is poised on the brink of her half-goddess power, which is considerable. Dagda’s attempts to keep her under his control are wearing thin.
Due to Dagda’s illegal actions, the light snatchers have surfaced, their intention to leach the color from all worlds. What the future holds is now as uncertain as the wind. 

**Only .99 cents!** 

Kat's Conundrum 
Raven and Hummingbird Book 3 

Kat’s life is out of control. Earth is in the clutches of some unseen force, with something even worse around the corner. In the meantime, Bran, the god she loves, has taken off for Otherworld and has yet to return.

A drink from the cauldron of wisdom and inspiration should have given her something to work with, but whatever she learned has either left her brain or wasn’t there in the first place.

As chaos ensues around her, Kat careens from one place to another, her ability to effect change lost in a sea of doubt. Her destiny lies in the balance, but circumstances keep getting in the way.

But it’s when her memories are stolen, that the threads that held her together unravel. The Fae world is ready and willing to claim her, but are they trustworthy? Her life is about to change in ways she can’t imagine, and if she isn’t careful, she’ll lose all touch with who she is. 

**Only .99 cents!** 

I was raised by fairies in a sylvan glade under a massive oak tree. My early life was spent wandering fields and woods searching for acorns and berries and staring at the cloud shadows racing across the landscape while listening to the whispers on the wind. The woods have always called to me, their silken tones luring me onto narrow paths leading to the hidden magical places. 

Magic and the mystical are alive and well in all my books. Celtic and Norse fantasy, time travel, murder mixed up with ghosts, humor and steamy romance, and a shapeshifting coyote, all inhabit my novels. If confused about where to begin--start with Moonstone, book 1 of Wolfmoon. 

My books are not what you would call literature, and yet they are not mere entertainment either. They are unique--humorous at times, sad at times, and page-turners that take the reader into a world separate from this one. I do not write to market, I write from my heart. 

I couldn't stop writing if I tried--it is the heart and soul of me now. I am still astounded by how my characters lead me on, taking me down meandering paths where I hadn't planned to go. The muse sits on my shoulder most days, and when she's absent I flounder and realize I need a break. I love all things magic, including the Tarot, the runes, divination of all kinds, ghosts, clairvoyance, astral travel--you name it. Magic is all around us if only we open our eyes to it. 

I lived in the Pacific Northwest for sixteen years before moving to the desert southwest with my husband, a cat and a dog. The move was hard because I left family behind, but Arizona is a wonderful place to be and the weather, at least in the winter, is delightful! 

In my spare time I do yoga, hike, garden, and enjoy the bird and animal life that abound in the desert. Check my blog for tales of close encounters with rattlesnakes, coyotes and javelina! And if you want more writing related info, go to

To learn more and to take advantage of promos, free books, etc...please visit my website posted below. 
And please take advantage of one of my low-priced books! They are there for YOU. 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

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