
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Release Blitz Wanting Winter by J.L. Ostle

Release Blitz

Title: Wanting Winter

Author: J.L. Ostle

Release date: December 27, 2017

It's easier to forgive an enemy than a friend.

I thought love was simple. Boy meets girl, girl loves boy, boy loves girl. Nothing could have prepared me for the truth and the suffering I would endure.

I was taken and broken and pulled apart, until I didn't recognize myself in the mirror. Now that I'm free, I recognize I'm not truly free. He is still there, still watching, still punishing.

I survived and became someone new - something new. Soon, everyone is going to find out that betrayal doesn't lead to forgiveness. It leads to justice and they won't even see me coming.

Semi-dark romance. Contains cheating, blackmail, strong language, sexual scenes, some scenes and situations may be sensitive to some readers. Recommended for ages 18 and over.



J.L. Ostle was born in Antrim, Northern Ireland, now living in Carlisle, England. J.L. Ostle is a full time mother looking after her cute, active little boy.

When she she hasn't got her head stuck in a book or writing, she's watching movies, or doing activities with her friends and their children.

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Other Books by J.L. Ostle


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