
Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Divinity of Anila by Cloud S. Riser Book Tour and GIveaway

Divinity of Anila
Musings Book 1
Cloud S. Riser
YA Paranormal

name is Anila. Up until a few days ago, I thought I was just like
every other teenage girl. Seriously, life was awesome. I was popular,
had great grades, and was on my way to getting a scholarship to one
of the top universities in the state. Then my boyfriend decided to go
crazy on me, and I end up in a car with some other guy who claims
magic is real. Crazy, is what I say. Pretty sure he's out of his
mind. I--

on a minute, Nila is not giving me a fair chance. The name is Bailey,
and I'm not crazy. I'm a Muse. And so is she. That's why her
boyfriend got uber possessive on her. Muses inspire the best in
others, and without control over their magic, a Muse can be pretty
addictive to hang around.

is why I'm here, to teach Nila how to control that magic so she
doesn't cause any more problems with the every day humans. See--

hate how he says every day humans like I'm not one of them. Oh, and
get this, I apparently can't touch him, even just a tiny bit, because
we might create magical sparks...or something?--

at all the things she doesn't know about being a Muse. The sparks
help us find our soul mate. Do I need to explain why I don't need her
touching me right now? We just met. Besides, it's common courtesy.
Keep your hands to yourself.

S. Riser is a Minnesota native. She has lived in Minnesota her whole
life. She will probably remain there for her whole life too. The
mother of The Squid, Skyscraper, and two cats, her life is definitely
never dull. An adventure she braves with her husband. In order to
stay sane, she creates massive amounts of fiction which she has
decided to share with the rest of the world for the simple reason of:
she is a storyteller.

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

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