
Monday, June 26, 2017

Author Interview of J.R. Wirth


J.R. Wirth was born and raised in Southern California. Now hailing from San Bernardino,
J. R. Wirth has several pieces published—including a poem and several short stories in online venues. The bestselling series: “Twisted Family Holidays,” is a collection of stories that surround popular holidays and are loosely based on real life situations. The TFHC is available in kindle, individually, or as a collection. An enhanced version, with more fun, is now available in paperback. Three of the TFHC books are available in audio format as well. “In Passing” is J.R.'s first full-length book release. The epic paranormal tale has been highly rated and takes the reader on parallel adventures that are sure to remain in your mind long after you've finished. In all of his works, J.R. combines ordinary people with extraordinary circumstances, to create characters that jump off the page and straight into the readers’ heart and psyche.
He remains dedicated to the craft of writing, highlighting the conflict, frailty, and hero in all of us. In his spare time, JR is a licensed psychotherapist with a long list of accomplishments, including a stint as a university professor. He currently supervises at a psychiatric forensic unit in Southern California. J.R. will also be participating in the "Code Redhead" project from Books To Go Now publishing. The Code Redhead, short story collection will generate monies for the Stand Up To Cancer campaign. Above all JR is a spiritual man who is dedicated to his children. Look for J.R. in Goodreads, Barns and Noble, and Amazon.


Q: Can you tell us a little about yourself to start? 

Well, let’s see…I’m a native Californian—So Cal to be precise. Me and my three brothers were brought up by a single mother, who always kept us busy in sports. It’s no surprise that I love sports and played some college football, and semi-pro baseball. I also love music, including classic rock, alternative/punk, Indie, and Americana. I am a psychotherapist by trade and have worked with the severely mentally ill for many years. My greatest accomplishment, however, may be my kids and grandkids—love ’em all.

Q: How are you feeling now that your latest book is out & on tour? 

The latest is a great anthology through Books To Go Now Publishing. It’s a themed (redheaded character) work “Code Redhead” where all the proceeds go to help with cancer treatment and research. My story, “Day of the Dead,” is a Halloween time, psychological thriller. I’m hoping it will continue to make some money for cancer and bring some positive publicity to BTGN. I also just went under contract for the next full-length novel, “Avenging Angels,” through TouchPoint Press, which was inspired by my time doing investigations for child protective services in Riverside, CA. Waiting for the official editing process to begin. Besides that, I’m currently in the process of developing two works, including The Town Above the Christmas Tree (BTGN), which is book three in the series, and perhaps the last of the Twisted Family Holidays Collection. And I’m editing a third book. Things may slow down around the end of the year.

Q: How does your family feel about you being a published author? 

They love it, particularly since they are all in the Twisted Family Holiday Collection.

Q: What inspires you to write? 

I would say at this point it is the love of writing that inspires me the most. If nothing else it’s a legacy I can pass on to generations to come.

Q: Describe your book in 3 words?

Twisted psychological thriller

Q: Out of all of your books do you have a favorite character or couple? 

I don’t know if I have a particular favorite, but I have had fun writing several. To mention a few: Aaron in “Saving Michael,” which was pulled a week after publishing due to legal problems with the publishing company. I hope to get it published again soon. Aaron is a fun enthusiastic middle schooler who has it all figured out. If had to pick a fav it would be “Lizzy,” in “In Passing.” She had to endure much strife, yet continued to see the beauty in life and stayed open to love. Lizzy was petite and read a lot from the time she could form a sentence. She gained strength from the books, allowing WORDS to be her superpower.

Q: Are you currently working on a new book at this time?

See above

Q: Do you have a routine you follow when you write? (i.e. listen to music, sit in a certain chair or at a certain desk)

My routine is to write. At coffee shops, bed, desk, wherever I can pull out the laptop and have a solitary moment to create.

Q: How do your stories & characters develop? 

Generally, I have an idea of what I want to do and then start putting on the page. The characters are often dynamic, developing as I go.

Q: What was the first thing that came to your mind when your first book was published? 

Just in time for Christmas! The first was the “Town Beneath the Christmas Tree” and I wanted it out in time to share with the family for Christmas. It was a gift to them.
Q: Do you have favorite author whose books you love to read?

I like to read Grisham, Brown, and Koontz when I can.

Q: What is your favorite genre to read & write? 

Suspense, suspense, suspense and the subcategories: thriller and mystery.

Q: How do you go about creating the most “Swoonworthy” character?

Wow, good question. I would say that the swoonworthy characters have to be attractive, but I believe they need to be of high moral character and compassionate. I’m not into making bad boys the center of any story I write. Society has enough anti-role-models.

Q: Can you share something with everyone that inspires you?

I would have to say that family inspires me the most. And helping others to be the best self that is possible for them.

Q: If you could have dinner with anyone in the world who would it be & why?

If it’s a historical figure, then hands down it would Christ Jesus—too many reasons to count. Currently, it might be Matthew McConaughey, because I like his attitude and outlook, and he seems like a great guy to have a beer with. Plus, he’d be the ultimate wingman.

Q: As a child what did you want to do when you grew up? 

Athlete: baseball or football…

Q: Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?

When I went to college it was to play football, the major was not decided. Then life took its course, and, due to a very cool teacher, I took to psychology. I always liked writing even as a kid, but never had the time. Later, I played with it to do a professional book, but got bored quickly. So, when I was between jobs and relationships, I had the time and started writing fiction. It didn’t take long to get hooked.

Q: When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?

Not until I was published a couple of times. When Sharon from BTGN asked me to write more (after they published the Christmas book), I thought maybe I’m not that bad after all.

Q: If you could go on a date with one of the male/female characters from a book who would it be (Character name, Book Title & Author's Name) and what would you do on that date?

There’s something special about Laura Shane from Dan Koontz’s lightning… Dinner, talk (about time travel—or not), perhaps a drink or two, and see where it goes from there.

Q: Do you have a favorite playlist that you listen to when you write?

It depends on the book and the genre. For instance, I wrote the short story, “Confederate,” for an English outfit that was inspired by Virgil Caine from The Band’s, “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down.” So, I listened to that song, and others like it, to stay I the mood.

Q: Do you read all the reviews for your book(s)?

I do read all the reviews that are posted to sites—that I know of. Most have been kind so far with an occasional criticism that makes me pause and, in one instance, a better writer.

Q: Which do you prefer paperback, hardback or ebooks & why? 

I think hard copies are the coolest and would love to have a JR Wirth book in hardback. Having said that, I like paperbacks best because they can go on the run. No need to be careful (drops don’t matter), no plugin needed, and no need to keep up with the Jones’s, as in readers and the cell phone market. But most of all because when you are through, you have a tangible item on a shelf (like my albums), and not a dot in a computer that will disappear when the pulse hits.

Q: What are you currently reading? Are you enjoying it? What format is it in (ebook, hardback or paperback) and who is the author?

I have two books waiting to be read, but not the time at present, Inferno—Brown and Midnight—Koontz.

Q: Of all of the books you have written do you have a favorite & why?

I would have to say that “The Town Beneath the Christmas Tree” is my favorite since it was a gift to the grandkids, and is very Dickens’ like. Though the original had a few flaws due to the urgency it which it was edited, the updated version in the “Twisted Family Holidays Collection” is well done with more fun features.

Q: When you aren't writing what do you do to relax and have fun?

I guess I would say that I get caught up on shows: Fargo, The Killing, The Bridge, Stranger Things, and the like. I also like movies and spending time with people I enjoy… Album shopping.

Okay now some fun ones: 

Q: What are your favorite types of heroines? Do you like the damsel in distress who needs saving or the kick-ass variety? Why?

I probably go more for the damsel. In my writings, my girls are strong emotionally, yet keep their femininity.

Q: Can you tell us about your worst date ever? 

It was the date that never happened. She showed up at my house, unexpectedly, to take me to a Journey concert. I already had plans, which led to a discussion (long emotionally-draining discussion) that led to our demise.

Q: What is your one “guilty pleasure”? 


Q: What is or was your most embarrassing moment or the craziest thing you have ever done? Come on you can’t hold out on everyone. LOL

Wow, too any to report… Clearing out a mosh pit at a Dickies concert, after my little brother got hit (fight).

Q: Do you have a favorite love scene from a book or movie? Which book/movie & scene? I’ll keep a secret or two

How about a little of This or That: 
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Kinky or Sweet? Kinkysweet
Tall, dark & handsome or blonde, surfer type? Exotic – smoky bedroom eyes and full lips
Dine in or Dine out? Either, I can cook a mean meal when I please
Sunset or Sunrise? Both
Steak or Chicken? Chicken
Cats or Dogs? Fish
Dom or Sub? Both without the pain… only the pleasure
Summer or Winter? Christmas or the Fourth??? Both
Shower or Bath? Depends
Beer or Wine? Depends on the company
Scary or Comedy? Psychological
Biker or Billionaire? In between
Thong or Comando? Both
Rock or Country? Rock though some Americana is definitely Country inspired.
Vanilla or Toys? Both
Pink or Black? Black for me—pink for my partner

Can You Share With Readers Your Top Ten Fantasies? 
Tropical locations with someone special
Christmas in Connecticut/Manhattan/mountain resort (with snow)
Snowed in with someone special
Mile high badge
Extended Super Bowl weekend with the fantasy football gang and/or with someone special
Cruise badge
JR Book to movie
Driving the country with someone special



  1. Nice interview, JR :-) Good luck with your books!

  2. Great interview. I love that profits from Code Redhead are going to cancer research and treatment- very inspiring!
