
Monday, May 23, 2016

Author Interview of Tammy Tate, Author of The Forbidden Path



Q: Can you tell us a little about yourself to start?
About twenty years ago a friend of mine handed me my first romance novel. Of course, my initial reaction was I didn’t have time. I had a husband, six horses, two Rottweilers and three kids, need I say more?

One night, I picked it up and began to read. Needless to say, I found it captivating and never made it to bed that night. From that day on, I was hooked. Then, one day I told my husband I wanted to write a romance novel of my own. He never batted an eye. The Forbidden Path is my sixth book in publication.

Q: How does your family feel about you being a published author?
I'm blessed to have family members that are very supportive. Including my husband of thirty-four years of marriage. He's my biggest fan!

Q: What inspires you to write?
Writing is a passion with me. I enjoy taking an idea and transforming it into a romantic tale that others can enjoy.

Q: Describe your book in 3 words?
Amazing beyond words!

Q: Out of all of your books do you have a favorite character or couple?
I would have to say Nicole and Rave (aka Flaming Arrow). I've spent so much time in their lives and in their heads. I only planned on a three book series when I started The Spirit Path series. The Forbidden Path was going to be the last. But, I haven't completely ruled out another.

Q: Are you currently working on a new book at this time?
Yes! It's a paranormal romance called The Homecoming about shifters. I'm happy to say that I am almost finished. The book trailer says it all. You can take a sneak peek here:

Q: Do you have a routine you follow when you write? (i.e. listen to music, sit in a certain chair or at a certain desk)
I like to move around when I write. Sometimes I'm in my office at my desktop computer or outside with my laptop or IPad.

Q: How do your stories & characters develop?
Most of them come from life experiences. The Spirit Path series came about when I was taking a Journalism/Short Story course. At the time, my husband and I had several horses in South Texas. I went riding almost every day with my best friend, who shared the same passion for horses that I did. We would find a trail and take it just to see where it went. I used to wonder if Native Americans followed that same trail centuries before. I said…"What if…" and The Spirit Path was born.

Q: What was the first thing that came to your mind when your first book was published?
It was the most amazing accomplishment in the world! But, it wasn't until I actually held the paperback in my hand that it really hit me…it was real.
Q: Do you have favorite author whose books you love to read?
That has to be Janelle Taylor. After reading her Ecstasy series, I was hooked. She inspired me to write my first novel.

Q: What is your favorite genre to read & write?
Without a doubt, reading and writing romance wins hands down. But, I'm a Scorpio…dominated by an intense, emotional nature anyway. When I write, I try to include mystery or a paranormal twist. If it keeps my heart pumping, it's sure to keep a reader entertained.

Q: How do you go about creating the most “Swoonworthy” character?
I breath life into him/her until they rise up from the pages. Then I walk in their shoes.

Q: Can you share something with everyone that inspires you?
My husband inspires me. But then again, he's not just my husband. He's my best friend and so much more.

Q: Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
I started writing in junior high, then picked it up again in high school. Later, I got into computers and after that law enforcement (dispatcher) for seven years. Now, I'm writing full time and plan to continue for many years to come.

Q: When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?
When I began writing, but my ultimate goal was to become a master storyteller.

Q: Do you have a favorite playlist that you listen to when you write?
I listen to country music because most songs involve falling in love, out of love or somewhere in between.

Q: Do you read all the reviews for your book(s)?

Q: Which do you prefer paperback, hardback or ebooks & why?
I know we've entered a digital world, but there's nothing like holding the paperback you've put so much time and energy into.

Q: Of all of the books you have written do you have a favorite & why?
The Spirit Path series because I've spent so much time eating, drinking and sleeping the characters.

Q: When you aren't writing what do you do to relax and have fun?
Spend time with my husband, talking, laughing, or curled up on the sofa watching a spooky movie.

Okay now some fun ones:

Q: What are your favorite types of heroines? Do you like the damsel in distress who needs saving or the kick-ass variety? Why?
I like independent, spunky women. I told my husband that I enjoyed writing about Tracy, Nicole's best friend in The Spirit Path series, because you never knew what was coming out of her mouth. My husband raised an eyebrow. I replied, "Sounds like me, huh?" He said, "Uh huh."

Q: What is or was your most embarrassing moment or the craziest thing you have ever don’t? Come on you can’t hold out on everyone. LOL

Okay, here goes nothing. A conversation with my husband went like this…

ME: The cable man stopped by today.
HUSBAND: Really?
ME: Yes. I told him, "You look hot. Would you like a bottle of water?"
HUSBAND: "You told the man he was hot?"
ME: He had sweat pouring off of him!

Okay, so maybe I was having a 'never know what's coming out of her mouth' moment…Welcome to my world!

How about a little of This or That:

Coffee or Tea? Coffee. No, wait! Tea…wait. Both.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Kinky or Sweet? :::rollin my eyes::: I plead the fifth…
Tall, dark & handsome or blonde, surfer type? Tall, dark & handsome, witty and smart.
Dine in or Dine out? Both
Sunset or Sunrise? Sunset
Steak or Chicken? Steak
Cats or Dogs? Dogs
Dom or Sub? :::blink::: Next!
Summer or Winter? Summer of course!
Shower or Bath? Depends…
Beer or Wine? Wine
Scary or Comedy? Scary
Biker or Billionaire? Biker
Thong or Commando? Commando
Rock or Country? Country
Vanilla or Toys? Huh?
Pink or Black? Depends on my mood.

The Spirit Path series by Tammy Tate
The Spirit Path (Book one)
The Secret Path (Book two)
The Forbidden Path (Book three)

The Spirit Path: A time travel, romance series about two people that risk everything to be together. A modern day girl learns to stay alive in 1812 in a hostile Indian environment. The Sioux warrior returns with her to adapt to the twentieth century with present day conveniences and laws. One thing is inevitable. Ill-tempered men are always willing to break the rules for their own personal gain. In both worlds, survival becomes the ultimate goal. Everything else becomes secondary.


The Forbidden Path (The Spirit Path Book 3)
Book Trailer:

I’ve entered The Forbidden Path in a book cover contest.
It you think it’s awesome, please show it some love at:
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Click below to win one of five autographed copies of The Forbidden Path!

Book Summary

After opening a doorway to 1812, Nicole fell in love with a Sioux warrior. She brought him back to the twentieth century and calls him Rave to keep his identity a secret. When they go with friends to a cabin for the weekend, they cross paths with a motorcycle gang in Kings Ridge. They conspire to hunt Rave like an animal. In order to get him to comply, they kidnap Nicole. Have they taken on more than they can handle? Nicole. The gang leader wants her. Her soul mate needs her. Which man will win?

Excerpt for The Forbidden Path

She arches an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure he won’t play your little game—”

Cody cuts her off. “You underestimate the power of love, my dear.” He points a finger with a skull and crossbones ring on it. “I have something he wants.”

The other men laugh and she gasps knowing full well he means her.

Of course! He’s using her as bait. That’s why heʼs holding her prisoner. For all she knows, Cody threatened to kill her if Rave doesn’t go along.

She lifts her chin. “You have no idea who you’re dealing with, do you?”

“Of course, I do. We’re playing a game of cowboys and Indians.”

“Do you believe in time travel?”

Cody cocks his head. “I don’t have time for this.” He heads for the door.

“You should make time.” When he doesn’t turn around, she blurts, “Rave is a Sioux warrior from 1812.”

Cody spins around with his feet splayed and his arms across his chest. “Yeah, and I’m E.T.” The room fills with laughter again and a smile plays at the corners of his mouth.

Nicole shrugs. “You can’t say I didn’t warn you.” His face turns bright red and a part of her is pleased to see that she has gotten under his skin. She’ll pat herself on the back later if she makes it out alive.

 Connect with author Tammy Tate
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About the author: Tammy Tate was born and raised in Hollywood, Florida but has lived most of her adult life in Texas. Her passion to write began in high school. It follows her everywhere she goes...creating a world where anything is possible. She's been married to the same wonderful man for over thirty years. Her secret to a long marriage? It's easy when you marry your best friend. In her world, Friday night is still date night.

Before she became a full-time author, she was an Executive Secretary, a Computer Consultant/Technician, and a Communications Officer (Police Dispatcher). She doesn't mind a challenge which has allowed her to race a late-model in a women's powder puff race, run barrels and poles in a play-day rodeo and drive an 18-wheeler. Somewhere in between, she and her husband raised three wonderful children. When she's not breathing life into her characters or jotting down ideas for a new book, she and her husband are exploring country roads on their Honda Gold Wing.

Since she believes reading is the next best thing to writing, she enjoys romance, fantasy, science fiction and thrillers. In December of 2013, she signed her first book contract with a traditional publisher. Her books have made Amazon's Best Seller list.

Above all, she loves to hear from you…

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