
Friday, March 25, 2016

Jasmine Lee Review Tour

Minion Banner 3Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000039_00070]
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Blurb 1 (2)
What would you do if you ran into someone and had an instant connection?
For Ella Wells and Marcus Townes that is exactly what happens.
Fate throws them together and test their strengths.
I know no man truly wants to be with ME... not when I have more than the normal single mom baggage. But when fate intervenes and throws Marcus into my path more than once. I decide maybe it's time to trust fate and see where it takes me.
I was good with having one-night stands. But when I have a chance encounter with a startling red-head...I start to second guess my choices. She changes everything for me and when she delivers her secret I tuck tail and run. I don't blame her for not wanting to have anything to do with me. But if she'll just give me one more chance I will prove my undying love for her.
Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00061]
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Blurb 1 (2)
Emily (Book 1)
I thought I was in love, I thought I was happy, I thought everything was perfect.
But then I found out my husband of six years was having an affair. I knew it had to be a dream, but it wasn’t. So now I’m left at square one, only now I’m a single mom also.
Dating isn’t easy but it’s especially not easy for a single mom of twin boys, with a soon to be ex-husband who’s still around. I mean what else could happen?
Throw in a hot prison guard and my ex-husband the mechanic and you have a whole mess of problems, and its only Monday!
What am I supposed to do?
Unexpected (Book 2)
In Emily you got part of my story. But now in Unexpected you get the rest of it.
True, it doesn't go the way I planned and I don't end up with the man I had planned on. But then again, that's why they say to 'expect the unexpected.'
I have a choice to make...
Do I choose my past? Or do I choose a path that is uncertain?
Only time can tell in the end. I have to choose before feelings are hurt and it's too late, causing me to loose everything I hold dear.
Readers 18+ Sexual Content, Language, Violence
Skipping Teaser
Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00099]
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Blurb 1 (2)
I’m an asshole.
I got no shame in admitting it, hell my wife knew that first hand after we worked together the first time. It isn’t like I tried to be this candy ass punk of a douche to sweep her off her feet. Why would I waste my fucking time with that bullshit? When I can be a complete asshole and get her on her back.
Yeah, something like that. But in the end I don’t give a shit, I got her. Now I just have to figure out how to get her to fall in love with me and to actually give this marriage of ours a shot. If for no other reason than at least for our daughter Emmy.
18+ Readers, Sexual Content, Language
NEL Teaser
Author 1 (2)
Hey everyone, (Waves)
Well lets see, I could tell ya a grand story full of A-list celebrities but lets face it, that only happens in books. I'm married and have two kiddos a son who is a avid baseball player and a daughter who is very passionate about horses. I was born and raised in a small country town in Deep East Texas. Not playing the POP is like 300 people!! I love writing/reading and taking pictures. All 3 have been long time hobbies of mine.
Stalker 1 (2)
Twitter - @author_jasmine
Go to each blog for each day. If they have a teaser with a minion click that photo and it will take you to the giveaway tow in signed paperbacks.
Good Luck
March 21st
March 22nd
March 23rd
March 24th
March 25th
Hosted by

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