
Friday, October 9, 2015

The Pericolo Series Trigger by Kirsty-Anne Still Blog Tour

Title: Trigger (Pericolo)

Author: Kirsty-Anne Still

Release Date: Sept 18, 2015

Find on Goodreads

I used to watch her through the lights. I watched as her body turned and twisted as she morphed into my siren.

I wanted her—I craved every ounce of Ryleigh Turner. But I knew once I had her, all I would do was corrupt every inch of her pretty little soul.

Valentinos aren't made for tales of love. We star in the horror stories you fear.

We're the monsters that make you scared to ever hope again.

It's time that she realises that.


He's watched me for months, given me every reason to allow my curiosity to start killing me slowly.

He makes the world melt away; he makes me want to throw all my inhibitions away and greet him personally. But every time the music ends and the lights lift, he vanishes, crushing my hopes.

Until one day, a moment of chance happens.

How does a man like Dante Valentino cope with a woman as messed up as me?


I let him have every inch of my tainted soul.


Not all love stories have a beautiful start.

Some just need a perfect trigger.

**This is a dark romance with intense scenes of murder and sex. There is coarse language used throughout. Not for the faint hearted.

As I pull her against my body, swaying to the music, I gaze down at her, and now my breathing shallows. The voice that whispers to me is unknown, dipped in disguise, and doused in addictive tones. It whispers the seed of madness that consumes me - fall in love.

But as always, I decide to stop the thought from burrowing any fucking deeper.

“This is lust, not love, cara. It’s what has you so confused. Lust mimics love to trick a naïve heart.” I keep the conviction strong in my voice, forcing her to understand what it is I want. We may have had this conversation before, but it didn’t do much to heed her rapid emotions. “I’ve never felt lust like this, and I know I never will again, which is why I brought you here. I want tonight to end with you screaming my name. I want to claim you as mine and make you realize I don’t do love.”

“I know you don’t,” she replies, bitterness edges her words. “You don’t need to worry, Dante. I know why you want me here. I got the message loud and clear, but if you think you’re getting into my panties quite so soon, you can think again. My motives here aren’t sexual. That’s just an added bonus.” She narrows her gaze on me, the pupils shrinking as she calmly responds to me. “I think the other evening proved a lot to us. I allowed you to have my entire body, and while I loved the way you commanded me, I won’t give it to you so easily. You’ve had a taste of it, Dante. You can work for another round.”

“I don’t have to do anything,” I respond dryly, ire heating me. “I could have any girl I wanted. I don’t have to wait for you to put out.”

She takes a step back, breaking our connection.

“Go on then,” she tells me, her voice strong. “Go and have any girl willing to give it up to you as easy as I did.” She doesn’t come back to me. “I’m going to the bar, so you go and find a girl as willing as I am to adhere to your sadistic requests.”

I used to be just another Fanfiction writer! That was until one person showed real interest in my work. And then another, and then another, until I had this whole group of people reviewing like crazy and wanting original work from me. I’d spent years writing for free online, I didn’t believe I had it in me to publish something!

But I’m glad I did!! I never imagined pushing my work and striving to reach my ultimate. I never imagined I’d be the girl who started The Viper Rooms! But who am I to deny the inspiration when it hits?

I love writing, it’s a lifeline. I love creating a world that others fall into. I love having the control to make a whole new world. It’s like a dependency, an addictive one. It’s one of the things I’m extremely proud of.

As much as I complain, I love the mini dialogues that go on in my head, the plotlines that attack me when I least expect them to. The ones that jump to life at the most inappropriate times and drive me totally crazy!!

For now I split my life between writing, dreaming, working, and volunteering with children.

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