
Friday, April 10, 2015

Bad Blood by Amity Cross Release Boost

Title: Bad Blood
Series: Royal Blood #2
Author: Amity Cross
 Release Date: April 7, 2015


A killer without a master.
A monster without a leash.

Xavier “X” Blood is a contract killer. Cold, calculating, devoid of feeling.

He knows the best way to drive the life from another human beings eyes, but what he doesn’t bargain on is wanting to save a life he’s meant to take.

Mercy Reid was good at running from her demons. That was until she met X and her life was thrown into chaos.

Mercy finally has him on her side…and in her bed, but it’s at a cost far greater than she could’ve anticipated.

On the run, they must learn to trust one another beyond their burgeoning love if they want to get through the coming chaos. Revenge, truth, lies...heartache...insanity. All of it threatening to drive them apart.

Mercy will do whatever it takes to avenge the horror that Sykes put her through. Anything. Even if she has to drown the last of her soul in the bad blood that threatens to destroy the last thing she holds dearest in her heart.


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Author Bio

Amity Cross isn't her real name. That's no secret.

She is
the author of wicked stories about rock stars looking for redemption, gritty
romances featuring MMA fighters and dark tales of forbidden romance. She loves
to write about screwed up relationships and kick ass female leads
that don't take s**t lying down.

lives in a leafy country town in southern Australia and can be found
chained to her desk, held at ransom by her characters.

Don't send help. She likes it.

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