
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Heart's Song by Charity Parkerson

Song - Banner



TITLE – Heart’s Song
SERIES – Ugly Eternity
AUTHOR – Charity Parkerson
GENRE – M/M Romance
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 35,000 words
PUBLISHER – Punk & Sissy Publications
COVER ARTIST – Charity Parkerson
PHOTOGRAPHER—Taria Reed/The Reed Files


Hawke swore one day he’d hate Maddox for using him...
Maddox, lead singer of the band, Ugly Eternity, is a man of many secrets. Unfortunately, Hawke isn’t one of them. He’s been openly using Hawke for his delicious body for over a year, taunting him with a half-life, and always giving him just enough hope to keep him hanging on.

When three tiny and heartless words finally break Hawke, the day of reckoning arrives...
Even though Maddox knew Hawke would one day grow tired of his games, Maddox never expected how thoroughly the other man would cut him from his life. Left with no other recourse, Maddox is forced to live on Hawke’s terms to have any chance of reclaiming Hawke’s heart.
But in Hawke’s determination to rid himself of the sexy singer, he failed to consider one major
detail—he belongs to Maddox.
Song - Cover


EXCERPT< /span>

He’d had enough. This constant weight sitting on his chest was choking the life from Hawke. The price of Maddox was Hawke’s sanity. It wasn’t one he could afford to pay any longer. Anger carried Hawke’s feet outside, intent on settling things now. Waiting hadn’t gained him shit. He found Maddox at his car, shirtless and digging around in the trunk.
“What was that all about?”
Maddox glanced up. The closed expression on his face let Hawke know this was going to be a useless conversation. Maddox shrugged.
“You were horny. I helped you out. No big deal.”

No big deal. Hawke’s brain latched onto those three tiny words and began repeating them like a mantra.
Anger grew with each pass. As usual, he was no big deal. "I've got some of your clothes in my backseat." Hawke couldn’t believe how calm he sounded. Surely that wasn’t his voice.

Maddox didn't seem to notice anything off. “You should throw them out."
Hawke ran his hands through his hair, beyond frustrated. The guy couldn't give him inch. Not ever. "At least take my shirt so you'll have something. It's my fault you're without, and I can go home whereas you still have to work." Maddox still wouldn't look at him. He slammed the trunk closed. "Nah. It's cool." He flashed a fake smile, not meeting Hawke’s gaze. "Everyone likes me better this way anyhow." He smoothed his palm across his bare chest, emphasizing his point. "They'll never even notice when I'm off-key."
Hawke wanted to punch him in the throat. Maybe then Maddox would understand what it was like to be incapable of drawing a single breath. The way Hawke couldn't whenever he was around.



Hearts Song - Author Photo



Charity Parkerson is an award winning and multi-published author with Ellora's Cave Publishing, Indie Publishing House LLC, and Punk & Sissy Publications. Born with no filter from her brain to her mouth, she decided to take this odd quirk and insert it in her characters.
*Winner of 2, 2014 Readers' Favorite Awards
*2015 Golden Flogger BDSM Award Finalist
*2013 Readers' Favorite Award Winner
*2013 Reviewers' Choice Award Winner

*2012 ARRA Finalist for Favorite Paranormal Romance
*Five-time winner of The Mistress of the Darkpath


< a href=" ity-Parkerson/" target="_blank">Shelfari
Others Elloras Cave
Passionate Ink


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