
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Shattered by Ava Conway

Shattered - Blitz Banner



TITLE – Shattered

SERIES – Perfect Little Pieces (Book #2)

AUTHOR – Ava Conway

GENRE – New Adult Romance


PUBLISHER – Simon and Schuster

Shattered - Book Cover



For the first time in her life, Mia Horton isn’t afraid of the future. Equipped

with a new major, a new internship, and a new life, she is finally able to put the past behind her—that is,

until she meets Flynn McKenna. Flynn’s boyish charm and rugged good looks make her feel things she

doesn’t want to feel, and shakes the foundations of her carefully constructed world. With Flynn, Mia

craves things she knows she can never have, and wonders if she’ll ever be rid of the silent curse that

seems to plague all of the women in her family.

Well on his way to being the youngest mixed martial arts champion in the

world, Flynn uses fighting to provide for his impoverished family. Then, one day, an accident forces him

to the sidelines. His failure to achieve success devastates his parents and starts a downward spiral of

guilt and self-loathing that lands him at Newton Heights Mental Hospital. He has all but given up on life,

until a gorgeous young intern makes him see that there is more to him than winning titles, and that love

is the most valuable prize of all.


- Teaser 2



hattered - 

Teaser 1


"Can I ask you a question?" Flynn asked as we approached the reception


"Sure." I stopped and turned to face him. Big mistake. While not classically handsome, there was

something about his rugged features that was alluring. He was a fighter, if his crooked nose was any

indication. His face was thin, his muscles lean. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him, I realized.

While all of this was intriguing, it was his eyes that most attracted me. They were constantly changing,

from the clear sky-blue when he first walked into my office, to the stormy gray they were now.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"For an internship, like Dr. Polanski said. I'm working toward my doctorate in clinical psychology."

"Yeah, that's not what I mean." He scratched his head, shaking loose some auburn strands from his

bandanna. My fingers itched to tug that ridiculous piece of fabric away and let his locks tumble into

place. I bet the man would be stunning if he just cleaned up a little bit.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I tore my gaze away from his hair and back down to his face.

"I mean, why mental patients?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "You know, you're the second person who asked me that."

"I am?"

"Dr. Polanski wanted to know why I wanted this internship, too."

"So," he asked. "Why us?"

I considered him for a moment before responding. "Why not you?"

He grinned, which softened his hard features. "I'm serious."

"I am, too." I shifted my briefcase from one hand to the other and adjusted the heavy tote on my

shoulder. "Why do you think I wouldn't want to be here?"

He shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets. "We're all lost causes." He averted his gaze, but not

before I saw the hurt in his eyes. I wondered who had called him a lost cause, and why. Part of me

wanted to find that person and shake some sense into him.

"You're not a lost cause." I touched his arm, drawing his gaze back to me.

He glanced down to where I touched him and eased back. "No, I'm the biggest lost cause of them all."

"Why do you say that?"

He looked up and met my eyes. "Look at you." He waved his hand in front of me.

“I can’t—there’s no mirror.”

He snorted, then his features turned serious. He brushed back a stray hair that had fallen from my bun.

“You have the perfect hair." He slid his finger over my temple and cheek. "The perfect pink cheeks."

I started to protest, but then he focused on my lips and the hunger I saw there caused heat to burn in

my lower abdomen.

Slowly, he slid his finger over my lips. "The perfect mouth," he murmured.

My breath hitched. Was he going to kiss me? He looked like he wanted to, and heaven help me, I

wanted that, too, but I could never become involved with a patient. Not here. Not anywhere, really.

There were rules and boundaries. I was here to fix his life, not make mine more complicated.

He must have seen the panic in my eyes because he cleared his throat and backed away. It was a good

thing he did. Despite my convictions, it had been a hell of a long time since I had been with anyone

romantically. I wasn’t entirely sure I would have had the strength to stop him.

He stuffed his hands back into his pockets and glanced down at my clothes. "You have the perfect

outfit—well, except the coffee stains. You might want to try to get those out." I grimaced. "You belong

out there, with the other perfect people.” He waved his hand at the elevators. “Not with the misfits and

losers like us."

"And which are you, Flynn?" I stepped closer. "Are you a misfit, or a loser?"

"Both." He took a step away. "You should go home, Mia. Go back to your ivory tower and your perfect

life. You don’t belong here."

"You don’t belong here, either."

He let out a short, quick exhale. "You’re wrong. I belong here more than anyone."


“You wouldn’t understand.” He shoved his hands deeper into his pockets and shuffled his feet.

“Make me understand, Flynn.” I took a step closer as I thought of the long list of mood-altering

medications I had seen in his file. Mood swings, seizures. I wanted to know how he got to this point in

his life. What happened to him to make him realize that he needed help and couldn’t continue to do

things by himself? “I want to help you.”

"You just can't." He took another couple of steps away from me, but not before I noticed the light

dusting of freckles on his skin, faded from the lack of sunlight. It made him more boyish and vulnerable

in my eyes, which only strengthened my decision to help.

“Why not?” I closed the distance until only a sliver of air was between us.

Pain flashed through his features. "You are so damn innocent, Mia.” He cupped my face with his large

palm and touched his forehead to mine. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”


of young romantic heterosexual couple over black background



1) Katy Perry – Roar

2) Collide – Howie Day

3) Miley Cyrus – Wrecking Ball

4) Falling In – Lifehouse

5) Timber – Pitbull

6) Where Are We Going to Go From Here – Matt Kearny

7) One of those Days – Joshua Radin

8) The Riddle – Five for Fighting

9) Come Away with Me – Nora Jones

10) Sara Bareilles – Brave

11) Apologize – One Republic

12) Almost Lover – Jasmine Thompson

13) Feeling Good – Muse

Shattered - Author Photo


At fourteen, Ava snuck her first romance novel into bed and read it by

flashlight. There she met her first "book boyfriend" and has been hooked on reading ever since. She

often prefers book-boyfriends to the real thing, and believes that a gooey, fudge brownie is a little piece

of heaven on earth. When she's not writing, she's stumbling through her Zumba class (have to work off

those brownies somehow), obsessing over the latest PINK song, or feeding her addiction for reality




Note: Ava also writes erotic romances for her

over-eighteen fans as Suzanne Rock. See her kinkier side by checking out her website

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