
Friday, January 30, 2015

Hanging On by the Scratch Marks by Nails Left Behidn: Raw Faith by Elizabeth Chalker

Title: Hanging On by the Scratch Marks My Nails Left Behind: Raw Faith

Author: Elizabeth Chalker

Paperback: 470 pages
Genre: Christian Non-Fiction

Format: Paperback/Kindle

ISBN-10: 1612151205
ISBN-13: 978-1612151205

 author photo
Elizabeth Chalker is still in the furnace of life’s' calamities and fighting the good fight of faith and endurance, keeping her eyes on the prize of heaven. Before serious, physical illness devastated her body, Elizabeth was on the fast track as a successful psychologist and addictions specialist, working with violent juvenile offenders and their families, near completion of her third graduate degree. Her life is a testimony of faith that is steadfast and remains no matter the seemingly dark, unjust, and treacherous circumstances of life. She resides in Lighthouse Point, Florida. Elizabeth continues to minister to those in need and aspires to show God's glory through every breath she takes.
This is a real life story of being in the fire, where I currently remain, where my heart for the Lord has become increasingly insatiable. A deepened intimacy has developed and continues to grow even through this very moment, and will continue beyond. As you read, this is my hope and prayer for you as well.

book cover

I have one book currently, “Hanging On by the Scratch Marks My Nails Left Behind: Raw Faith”. This is a book that was written while still in the midst of trials with no promise for the suffering to end. It took 10 years to write while suffering serious, physical illness. My prayer for the book is to inspire individuals to self-examine and find their core; to realize that we are all children of God and therefore, one in Him. We tend to see life and our circumstances as if from under a quilt as it is being made, where all that is seen is a bunch of haphazard threads from our view. God’s view is from above where everything comes together and forms a beautiful and complete picture.
My hope is also to encourage individuals to seek love and extend love.
One of the most important messages of the book is to strengthen anyone who reads it, to cause him or her to embrace all of who he or she is, the parts we deem ‘dark’ and unacceptable as well as the parts we see as praiseworthy and pleasant.
Most importantly, my hope is that the reader will embrace intimacy in relationship with God and realize that raw expression of heart, no matter how unacceptable to the world, is honorable in the eyes of God and welcomed.

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