
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dream Awake by WJ Carlson

HTML PROMO Dream Awake
Title: Dream Awake
Author: WJ Carlson
Release Date: October 16th
Blog Tour: December 26th-30th
Hosted By: Author Sandra Love


Katie Hayes is a dreamer. Growing
up, she dreamt of living on the beach in Malibu and finding the man of her

Her fantasy came true when she moved into a
Malibu beach home with her best friend Sami. Life is fun and exciting until she
meets a hot British boy named Ben. He is everything she dreamt of and more,
except one thing she wants more and he denies her.

Can she get him to change and succumb to her
sinful desires? Or will it push him away?

Growing up in a small upper midwestern town, it is next
to nothing to dream about other places along with who to marry, how many kids
to have, and what to be when grown up.
So many hopes and dreams have her imagination running
wild. Her greatest dream came true when she became a wife, a mother of three
and grandmother of two, with hopes of more grandchildren in the future.
She is a sucker for a good love story. Loves to read
and listen to others tell about their love stories.
Take the journey and follow along with her dreams.

10 Random facts about me:

I love to dance
Coffee, sweet wine, and dark chocolate are my downfall.
Favorite color is Purple
I have 2 dogs, 3 kids, 2 grandkids
I wrote 7 twilight fanfiction stories
Fall is my favorite season
I got to meet Stephenie Meyer, hug her, get a pic with her, thank her. Attended BD1 & BD2 premiers in LA. Yes, I’m a Twilight fan, read all the books at least 10 times or more.
Love Mexican food, followed by Italian.
One of my favorite movies-Pride & Prejudice with Kiera Knightly/Matthew MacFaden
One of my favorite TV shows-Guess what it is to NO# 1. DWTS
Top 10 Books/Authors

Twilight Series(Twilight being my fav)
Fifty Shades of Grey Series(book 2 my fav)
Anything Sylvia Day
Anything Lisa Renee Jones(Sorry cant pick just one)
The Winemaker Dinner Series-Ivan Rusliko
Anything Lauren Blakely
Anything Laurelin Paige
Back-Up Series-AM Madden
Anything Denielle Steele(Fav: The Ring; The Promise)


Twitter: @WJCarlson
Facebook author page: 

Group page: Sweet Dreams Team

 Thank you so much for your support!!!

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