
Friday, November 14, 2014

Shatter Me by Alex Grayson Cover Reveal

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I'm running, as fast and as far as I can. My past is trying to shatter me, but I am determined not to let it. I've come this far, I won't let it break me now.

I had to stop in a small town to get enough money to run again, but I found myself wanting to stay. The reason? Jaxon Walker. He doesn't make me so afraid. He comforts me. But how much comfort will it take before my walls shatter? And what happens when my past finds me? Will it destroy me finally or could Jax possibly save me?

My name is Bailey Winsor and this is my story.

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couple during foreplay

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Cover Reveal Party

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nvkat5EAlex Grayson is originally from the south but has recently moved to Northern Ohio. Although she misses the warmth of Florida and often times detest the cold of Ohio she absolutely loves living in the north. Her and her husband bought a house on two acres of land and live there with their daughter, two dogs, two cats, and 8 ducks. She hopes to eventually get chickens and a couple of goats to add to their country way of living. Besides her family and home her next best passion is reading. She is often found with her nose obsessively stuck in a book, much to the frustration of her husband and daughter. On more than one occasion Alex found herself wanting a book to go a certain way, but it didn’t. With these thoughts in mind she decided to start writing stories according to her own visions. Although this is a new endeavor for her she hopes that readers find her concepts on romance intriguing and captivating. Alex welcomes and encourages feedback, of any kind. She can be contacted at

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