
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Review of Sleeping with the Sandman by Mia Fox and Author Interview

Plagued by memories of the fire that claimed her family when she was younger, Savannah suffers from insomnia and nightmares. Although she is seeking help, Savannah finds that the best therapy is when Sandman visits her at night and not only soothes her mind, but also her body.

He is the only man she dares allow in her bed for fear that her issues would scare off a mere mortal. However, what starts off as a chance encounter with Jed, a handsome stranger, becomes a repeated occurrence as Savannah continually runs into him at a local coffee house. As much as the idea of dating Jed is appealing to her, she won’t accept his advances.

Can nightly visits from her other-worldly suitor help Savannah to move on with her life and take a chance on love? Or, will she decide that Sleeping with the Sandman is safer and more satisfying?


I absolutely loved this book.  It was a fast read for me.  I could not put it down.  You will fall in love with the Sandman.  You will find comfort with him.  He is the perfect dream guy.  He will soothe your mind and body and chase your bad dreams away.  What more could you ask for? 

Savannah is plagued by bad nightmares and is afraid to let a human male in her bed for fear of rejection.  The only comfort she finds is with the Sandman but then she meets Jed and find him very appealing.  Savannah is a very interesting character with a lot of heartache and pain and she just wants to be loved.  The Sandman is so very caring and in love with Savannah but he wants the best for her and wants her to  move on and find happiness. 

Mia is a wonderful writer who brings so much to her story and leaves you wanting more.  Her characters are wonderful and the chemistry between them just flows.  I loved all the characters most especially the Sandman.  I want to learn more about him.  I am hoping Mia has another book planned or a series.  5 stars



Q1. What inspired you to be a writer?

 My mother was a teacher and also wrote text books. Those were kind of
dry, but watching her work still inspired me to pursue writing.

Q2. Are you married?  Kids? Yes, my husband and I have three wonderful children.

Q3.   What genre or genres do you like to write and read? I love discovering new authors and as such, my taste in what I read and write evolves and changes. All of my writing weaves a romantic element into it, but it may be mixed with paranormal, humor, contemporary, or even
erotica. I’m even thinking of trying something along the lines of a thriller with romantic aspects to my repertoire.

Q4.  Do you have a favorite author or authors?

My very favorite indie author is Lizzy Ford. She’s a wonderful writer and a great mentor. As I mentioned, I like to read various genres. For chick-lit, I love Lauren Weisberger. My favorite female thriller writer is  Kathy Reichs. Nothing can beat a Nicholas Sparks novel for
contemporary romance.

Q5.  Do you have a favorite book or books?

I honestly fall in love with whatever book I’m currently reading. They’re such a comfort and I find myself reading slower as I get toward the end, just so they won’t end.

Q6.    Do you consider yourself a romantic?

Yes. I’m also a total sap and cry at any romantic gesture in a film.

Q7.  What would you consider a romantic evening?

When my husband and I were dating, he once cooked me dinner and we
enjoyed the entire evening at home, sitting on the floor eating and
talking. There wasn’t a need for anything else.

Q8.    Do you daydream a lot?

I’m an avid yogi and I always find myself working through scenes during
my practice.

Q9.  If you had to choose a place for a romantic setting, where would it

I love the beach and I’m working on a contemporary romance set in a small town just south of Santa Barbara where my parents have a house. It’s very quaint, quiet and to me, the perfect place for romance. One of my first romances occurred with a lifeguard from there and I knew
that one day I’d have to write about it.

Q10.  What is your favorite color or colors?

Lavender ... always has been, even as a child.

Q11.  What is your favorite holiday?

I love Thanksgiving and the weeks leading up to it when everyone talks food and recipes.

Q12.   Where would you go on a first date?

I’m pretty traditional and sort of expect a guy to take me (if I were still single) to dinner on a first date.

Q13.    How would you impress your date?

 There’s nothing better than witty conversation tinged with a bit of intention.

Q14.    Where is  your favorite vacation spot?

Hawaii...I haven’t been for about five years, but it’s my favorite destination.

Q15.    I really enjoyed reading Sleeping With the Sandman.  What inspired you to write the Sandman?

You, my dear, inspired Sandman. :) I’m really pleased that this book has gotten early positive reviews. It just proves that readers know what they want. I was happy to entertain the idea of writing about the Sandman and it ended up being a great springboard for a story. A few
readers have asked if there will be a sequel, and I think one is in our future.

Q16.    Do you have any books you are currently working on?

I am currently working on the third book of the Romani Realms series. I have ideas for a romantic thriller as well as a contemporary romance. I’m also working on my first non-fiction book, a humorous guide to romance from the mind of my dog.

Q18.    What book or series that you wrote would you recommend to
readers?  And why?

I would suggest starting with “Released” from the Romani Realms series. First of all, it’s free on Amazon. Also, it shows a bit of my personality through the character of Suki. She has a quirky side to her, which I enjoyed writing. The series has developed and changed as I
write subsequent books, which I feel shows my growth as a writer. I think people who liked “Released” will definitely enjoy the second book, “Resurrected.” And for those who preferred a more traditional paranormal romance than I offered, I feel they will find that in the
second book as well.

This or That

Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate

Boxers or Briefs? briefs

Cat or Dog? Proud mommy to two dogs, but my past includes being a cat

Edward or Jacob? Edward without a doubt.

Beach or Mountains? beach girl...California born

Small town or City? City, but I’d like to give small town life a try
one day

Book or Kindle? I read on a kindle, but have a soft spot for the
traditional printed book.

Lillies or Roses?

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