
Friday, August 22, 2014

Review of Tortured Souls

 Tortured Souls

The Orion Circle #1

Kimber Leigh Wheaton

YA Paranormal Romance

June 29. 2014

Sea Dragon Press

Amazon * Goodreads

Sometimes Rest in Peace isn't an option.

Kacie Ramsey sees ghosts—and it's ruining her life. Her mother left, her father blames her, and no matter how hard she tries, she can't keep the ghosts away. Now a new power has emerged. Nightly visions of grisly murders and a relentless predator draw her to the brink of insanity.

When the phantom appears at a party, Kacie's longtime crush, Logan, saves her. He invites her to join the Orion Circle, a group of supernatural hunters with chapters in schools all over the country. Through the Circle, Kacie learns to embrace her spiritual powers, and for the first time in her life she feels in control rather than a victim.

But the Foxblood Demon will not give up so easily. A demented serial killer in life who trapped the souls of the thirteen children he murdered, imprisoning them within the walls of his mansion. Now in death, he plots his return while drawing power from the pure souls of the children. He recognizes something in Kacie he's never seen before—a medium powerful enough to provide a vessel for his tainted soul.

Kacie can't ignore the tortured souls of the children crying out to her every night. With Logan at her side, she will fight the Foxblood Demon. But can they banish this powerful phantom, or will Kacie lose not only her body, but her eternal soul to the monster.


I really enjoyed reading this book.  I love YA Paranormal books.  I love Kimber's idea for having a secret group of supernatural hunters with chapters in the schools all over the country.  Some had special skills and talents and some just believed in the supernatural    I liked all the characters in the book.  Kacie was a very interesting character, who tried to deny her power and gifts hoping they would go away.  Then there is Logan who saves Kacie from a phantom.  I instantly felt their chemistry and closeness.  Logan introduces her to the group and she no longer feels alone and afraid. Kaci finds herself falling deeper in love with Logan.  Kaci feels stronger and more in control being part of the group.  The group works together to figure out how to destroy the Foxblood Demon and release the children before he possesses Kaci.   Will the group be able to figure out how to destroy the Foxblood Demon before he possesses Kaci or will the Demon succeed?

I love all the characters in the book.  Kimber has some very interesting characters who each have their own talents and gifts including a doctor.  I think each of the characters have their own stories to tell.  I would like to see Kimber continue the series with each of their own stories.  I love her writing and find myself being drawn into her story and the characters.  I love this series.  I am looking forward to reading more of her books.  I am hoping she continues this series.  5 stars.


Three Things You Didn’t Know About Tortured Souls

1) Kassandra "Kacie" Ramsey’s character remained nameless for over half the novel. I had no trouble whatsoever with the names of the other characters, but for some reason Kacie’s name just eluded me. For a brief time she was Amber, then Natalie, not to mention Kristen. It wasn’t until her name popped into my head that I finally began to really understand her character. This led to some serious rewrites of earlier chapters.

2) Secondary character Raven Sawyer is introduced toward the end of the novel. She originally had her own series that was started at the same time as Tortured Souls. Raven is a monster magnet whose blood attracts monsters of all kinds. In the original story, Raven lived in Orlando and hunted vampires there. Three quarters of the way through Tortured Souls, I realized that Raven really belonged in San Antonio with the Orion Circle gang. Raven was also supposed to star in book 2, but I received so many requests for more about Kacie that I moved Raven up to book 4. However, Raven will be the star in one of the short stories in my Orion Circle anthology expected to release in November 2014.
3) I spent lots of time watching paranormal shows on History, Discovery, and Travel Channel before and while writing Tortured Souls. A show that was especially helpful was Dead Files. It was interesting to watch physical medium Amy Allan as she did her walkthroughs of haunted houses. I have no psychic powers whatsoever. Seeing Amy, watching her expressions as she encountered different spirits, gave me insight into how Kacie would feel and act around spirits.

Three Things You Didn't Know About Kimber Leigh Wheaton
1) I am a video game addict, have been for years. One of my favorite things to do in high school was go to an arcade and trounce all the guys who thought girls couldn't play games. Each person in my household has their own game console because we don't share well with others. My favorite games are RPG and strategy. I own enough video games to open a second hand store (that is if I was willing to part with them). There are two things I don't leave the house without: my Kindle and my 3DS.
2) I love to sing, and it's an integral part of my life. Singing elevates my mood and makes me flourish. I suppose it's like living with Snow White for my poor family. Yes, I do sing constantly when at home. I've also been known to sing or hum in inappropriate places such as Target. While I haven't had much in the way of formal training, I did train with two former members of the New York Metropolitan Opera once a week for a couple months. I learned more in those few lessons than I did from years in musical theater.
3) I love cars! My dear husband puts up with my obsession quite well. My cars have always been my babies. My first car was a Mustang that I loved dearly. After that, I went through a Daytona and a Camaro until I was forced into a family car. I got a copper Murano which featured the 350Z engine—we called it the pumpkin carriage. Man, I loved that SUV. For a mom-mobile it was hot. My latest baby is truly my best, though. Two years ago I got the 45th Anniversary edition Camaro. I named him Sesshomaru after InuYasha's older brother because he's beautiful on the outside but a beast on the inside. Here's a link if you'd like to see a picture: 45th HYPERLINK ""AHYPERLINK ""nniversary Edition Camaro

About the Author

Kimber Leigh Wheaton is a bestselling
YA/NA author with a soft spot for sweet romance. She is married to her soul
mate, has a teenage son, and shares her home with three dogs, four cats, and
lots of dragons. No, she doesn’t live on a farm, she just loves animals. Kimber
Leigh is addicted to romance, videogames, superheroes, villains, and chocolate—not
necessarily in that order. (If she has to choose, she’ll take a chocolate
covered superhero!) She currently lives in San Antonio, TX but has been
somewhat a rolling stone in life, having resided in several different cities
and states.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for participating in the tour. I'm so glad you enjoyed Tortured Souls!
