
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Review of Worth It by Beth Wilson

Fresh new voice in Women's Fiction.

Jude's ex-husband, Grant, calls her a tight-ass because she wants everything under control, but when she starts dating Phil, who is twenty-three years older, their fun, secret romance becomes harder to control than her marriage. Grant complicates things by showing up determined to win her back.

As Jude’s relationship with Phil deepens, her feelings toward him and about the future begin to alarm her. Is it worth it to her to consider commitment again when Phil just wants a weekend romance?


At first, I thought Jude and Phil's romance was rushed. It just seemed to happen so quickly. I have to admit their age difference had me questioning the romance. As the story progressed and they faced many obstacles from family and friends, I realized they were meant for each other. Jude and Phil did not let other people's opinion effect their relationship or separate them. The chemistry between them was pretty obvious and they enjoyed each other's company. As time went on, Jude realized she wanted more. She wanted marriage and children with Phil. Jude had never felt like this with any other man before. These feeling were new for Jude and she knew Phil didn't want to start all over again with children. It takes them being apart and no longer together before they realize what they want.

I really enjoyed this book. Beth is a wonderful writer who is able to convey her character's emotions into words. She draws you into the story and into the lives of each character. I truly felt Jude and Phil's pain, heartache and love. I enjoyed all the characters in the story and was hoping Jude and Phil would end up together in the end. "Worth It" shows that falling in love can be complicated and you may face many obstacles and even challenges along the way but you have to decide is it all worth it. Is your love strong enough to survive those obstacles and challenges or should you move on? Don't let other peoples opinions destroy what you have or keep you apart. You need to do what makes you happy. After all true love is very rare.

I am looking forward to reading more books by Beth Wilson. This story touched me very deeply and made me believe in true love again. 5 stars